Monday, July 17, 2017

Nightstand Drawer

Hey, hey baby, I'm your nightstand drawer,
give me your secrets, give me your longings,
give me a chance
to hold these things
~Heather Maloney

For Music Monday, Heather Maloney:


  1. What a great song, well-sung. Reminds me of the Indigo Girls or Alanis Morissette. Did you see her perform?

    I've written a post with your poem for this Friday, going up Thursday, as usual. I hope you can stop by and read the comments. I expect my readers will like the poem as much as I do. XOXO

  2. I haven't seen her perform, but I was struck by how poetic and original her lyrics and singing style were in the video. Thanks for sharing my poem -- so glad you like it! xoxo

  3. Really nice voice (and good guitar playing, too). This song is a perfect example of how lyrics can be excellent poetry.
