Thursday, June 15, 2017


It goes without saying that a fine short poem can have the resonance and depth of an entire novel.
~James Wright

Busy writing poems for the Summer Poetry Swap this week! I wrote one for the wrong person first (how is that possible, you wonder? I found a way...), plus I am doing two people for the first swap, so I have been working on three poems. I am going to be collecting poems about mistakes for an anthology, so I have been doing prep work for that as well.

Here's a short poem by James Wright, plus a song:

By James A Wright

The moon drops one or two feathers into the field.
The dark wheat listens.
Be still.
There they are, the moon's young, trying
Their wings.
Between trees, a slender woman lifts up the lovely shadow
Of her face, and now she steps into the air, now she is gone
Wholly, into the air.
I stand alone by an elder tree, I do not dare breathe
Or move.
I listen.
The wheat leans back toward its own darkness,
And I lean toward mine.


I think immortality is a real draw for many writers, don't you? Poet by Bastille:


You can find the Poetry Friday round-up at Carol's Corner. Thanks, Carol!


  1. Last night, I attended a funeral. A 33-year-old father from my school died after complications from surgery. He has four daughters, ranging in age from kindergarten through eighth grade. The seventh grader read a poem she had written as a part of the eulogy, the eighth grader read Tupac Shakur. Their offerings totally dissolved the three hundred plus crowd in the church. I thought of them as I read your James Wright quote and listened to the song. Such big truth. I want to share the song with Trinity and Chasity. Thank you.

  2. Tabatha, I love the quote about short poems. This is a perfect example. I am compelled to listen and linger within each line. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Enjoyed this post! I agree that immortality is a huge draw -- I suspect it drives the urge to create and procreate. Lovely imagery in the poem and a great quote and song. Happy Friday!

  4. I'm going to have to play that song for my eighth graders when we read Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 - "so long lives this, and this gives life to thee!"

  5. Tabatha, the song and lyrics are perfect! I'm with Ruth.....I need to play this for middle schoolers who are shy to write. What a gem for my kids next year. Thank you!

  6. Echoing thanks for the quote, poem, and audio. And I take weird comfort in knowing even you made a mistake in Poem-Swap Land! XO

  7. Since I wrote about stopping time, I guess that there is a connection to your sharing about wishes for immortality, Tabatha. The lines "I have written you down. . ." seem so right to me. We're still loving those characters we meet on the pages. Thanks, and I'm getting ready for those swaps, too!

  8. Such a lovely poem. Thank you for inviting us to pause and listen and breathe. And I'm intrigued with a collection of poems about mistakes. Those I can relate to!

  9. I, too, will play this song for my kids before the year ends, Tabatha.

  10. Tabatha, I love the James Wright quote and poem. Thanks for sharing those!

  11. It sounds like you're having a super-productive week, Tabatha. I'll look forward to seeing the poems appear as swaps are shared.

  12. Beauty...from start to finish! Thanks!

  13. I love the idea of the moon having young. -- Christie @

  14. What imaginative loveliness. For me the addition of the wheat adds an element of fragrance. Having grown up on the Canadian prairies, I see the moon as a big round harvest moon and the air heavy with the scent of ripe wheat.

  15. Writing things down–that's immortality or close to it. Lovely poem, it definitely slows one down, and I enjoyed the poem music too! I think mistakes are good sometimes, interesting idea. My first poem for poetry swap is floating through the air ways . . . Thanks for all Tabatha!
