Sunday, April 2, 2017

Line 2 of the Progressive Poem

Spring is the time of plans and projects.
~Leo Tolstoy

Happy (Inter)National Poetry Month! Time for Irene Latham's 2017 Kidlitosphere Progressive Poem. Thanks, Irene and Heidi!

#1, Heidi's line:

I'm fidget, friction, ragged edges--

When I thought about where to go with the second line, I thought it was too soon to rhyme, so I focused on continuing with nine syllables, giving a nod to spring, and opening up the narrative possibilities! Shout out to the CKs (Chris, Krista, and Katherine) for letting me bounce ideas and lines off them. You are awesome!

Without further ado, here's line two:

I sprout stories that frazzle-dazzle

So far we have

I'm fidget, friction, ragged edges--
I sprout stories that frazzle-dazzle

On to line three from Dori! Onward and upward, y'all!


1 Heidi at my juicy little universe
2 Tabatha at The Opposite of Indifference
3 Doraine at Dori Reads
4 Michelle at Today's Little Ditty
5 Diane at Random Noodling
6 Kat at Kat's Whiskers
7 Irene at Live Your Poem
8 Mary Lee at A Year of Reading
9 Linda at TeacherDance
10 Penny at blog-a- penny-and- her-jots
11 Ramona at Pleasures from the Page
12 Janet F. at Live Your Poem
13 Margaret at Reflections on the Teche
14 Jan at Bookseedstudio
15 Brenda at Friendly Fairy Tales
16 Joy at Poetry for Kids Joy
17 Tricia at The Miss Rumphius Effect
18 Buffy at Buffy's Blog
19 Pat at Writer on a Horse
20 BJ at Blue Window
21 Donna at Mainely Write
22 Jone at Jone Ruch MacCulloch
23 Ruth at There's No Such Thing as a Godforsaken Town
24 Amy at The Poem Farm
25 Robyn at Life on the Deckle Edge
26 Renee at No Water River
27 Matt at Radio, Rhythm and Rhyme
28 Michelle at Michelle Kogan
29 Charles at Poetry Time
30 Laura Purdie Salas at Writing the World for Kids

Jama Rattigan has a list of more (Inter)National Poetry Month goings-on. Check it out!


  1. Yay for sprouting stories! And BIG BIG yay for "frazzle-dazzle." :) Thank you, Tabatha! xo

  2. This poem has zest and frazzle-dazzle, that's for sure.

  3. Doing the happy dance for this, Tabatha. Wonderful to keep that cheery voice!

  4. I hear the poem singing and dancing and growing. Off to a great start. Thank you Heidi and thank you Tabatha. You, too, dear Irene. Such fun.
    Janet Clare F.

  5. Yes! Those sprouting stories might carry complaint and anxiety along with spring greening--I like how you bounced with a little electricity off "friction" and "ragged" using "frazzle" instead of plain old "razzle." I hope we keep that kid-spring-fever tension going for a while.

  6. Oh, I LIKE this speaker! Great fun! Thank you! xxx

  7. Super duper, Tabatha! I do believe I'm frazzle-dazzled by your choice of words.

  8. This is a wonderful line and full of possibility!

  9. --"frazzle-dazzle" - delightful! So much energy in this poem already....

  10. Enchanting 2nd line Tabatha, I wonder what stories will come next . . .
