Friday, March 24, 2017

A swoony post from the archives

Unicorns are immortal. It is their nature to live alone in one place: usually a forest where there is a pool clear enough for them to see themselves-for they are a little vain, knowing themselves to be the most beautiful creatures in all the world, and magic besides.
~Peter S. Beagle

I've been working on Poetry Month stuff but I didn't know what to post today, so I raided the archives.

The Poetry Friday round-up is at Reading to the Core. Thanks, Catherine!


  1. Whatever you're planning sounds quite mysterious, just like this poem, Tabatha. The creation of the unicorn is something to admire and celebrate!

  2. Do you think that is how Billy Collins is transformed when he reads? Or Garrison Keillor? A poetry slam would be a black leather paradise of swoon-icorns. Love this playful poem and the art, too.

  3. Love how your mind works, Tabatha. Your swoonicorn is quite a dapper fellow. :)

  4. This is me
    reading it
    and again
    for stuff
    I missed
    or want
    to think

  5. There is so much to swoon about in this, Tabatha! Love it!

  6. I'm swooning over your cleverness, Tabatha. =)

  7. "devil-may-care uni-stare" - Ha! You are a unique treasure yourself, my friend. Your imaginative poems and posts deserve more than one airing!

  8. If you need some unicorn laughs, check out the graphic novel/comic book series "Heavenly Nostrils" (aka Phoebe and her Unicorn).

  9. What a fun poem! I'm looking forward to a month of swoonicorns with poetry galore next month!

  10. "Swoonicorns," what a fun poem Tabatha, I've always loved unicorns, they are magical and mystical, and take the form of horses which are wonderful! The art resting within it complements it too, thanks.

  11. I can't wait to see what you are cooking up. I'd love to raid your archives someday. You are a wealth of poetry creativity!
    Oh, that swoonicorn.....the original bad boy we all fell in love with.

  12. Love your "swoonicorns," Tabatha, and am looking forward to hearing more about your NPM project!

  13. Love the internal rhyme and musicality of this, Tabatha!
