Thursday, November 24, 2016


All too often in the commercial world, we are overwhelmed with monumental images, distracting sound bites, and overall visual clutter. This exhibition causes each of us to pause quietly and look closely at the meticulous skill with which the subjects are rendered, as reflected in the patient attention to detail, artistic expression, and the ideal of perfection.
~Ken Rollins

Models today. Not the human kind -- the small-version-of-a-bigger-thing kind.

photo by Ian Usher

photo by Glamhag

Trafalgar Day, Greenwich Maritime Museum, London
Louis Vest

Verona Model Expo, 2013
Angelo Moneta

York Model Railway Exhibition
Peter Taylor

Lugano, Swiss Miniatur
Allan Watt

Set design model for Giuseppe Verdi's Otello, 1895
by Marcel Jambon (1848-1908)
photo by Gallica

York Model Railway Exhibition
Peter Taylor

1 comment:

  1. Fascinated by models...and I'm not at all sure why. So, I just go along with my fascination. And these are wonderful examples. Love the Verdi set.
