Thursday, September 15, 2016


God made some people Horn players; others are not so fortunate.
~Anton Horner

Somehow I've made it through all these Art Thursdays without ever posting French horns. Me, who writes poems about Mozart horn concertos and sings along with them too! But I am rectifying that omission today.

French Horn In F, a Delft blue and white earthenware French horn, probably made in Germany around 1850-80
photo by Peter Dutton

No. 3: French Horn Section, Telephone workers, Metropolitan Bell Symphony Orchestra concert
David Lawrence

French Horn
photo by Stefano Parmesan
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Musical Instruments Section

French Horns, Unwound and Entwined
by Claes Oldenburg/Coosje van Bruggen
photo by Meg Nicol

French Horn
Cousin Araminta is no longer welcome in France since the unfortunate incident with the poodle.
photo by Apionid

Mait Jüriado

French Horn, Ducks and Apple Crate
photo by Nancy Regan

Lurs, Bronze Age blowing horns, 9-8 century BC. Copy, bronze. Garlstedt, Lower Saxony.
Original taken as war loot to Russia at the end of War World II. Visitors can hear, in the museum, the immense sound volume of this instrument. Neues Museum, Berlin.
photo by Ismoon

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it is about time you featured French horns...and you did so admirably!

    I love all the depictions. No real favorites here; I just couldn't choose.

    However, I would love to know about the incident with Cousin Araminta and the poodle. ;-)
