Thursday, September 29, 2016

Enter The Magic World of Books

Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.
~William Wordsworth

Thank you, Malena, for allowing me to share your enchanting paper sculptures!

Enter The Magic World of Books
by Malena Valcárcel

Fairytale Scene
by Malena Valcárcel

Into the Mystic, Book Sculpture
by Malena Valcárcel

A Field of Poppies, Book Sculpture
by Malena Valcárcel

Miniature Carousel
by Malena Valcárcel

Ballerina Miniature Paper Dress and shoes
by Malena Valcárcel

My Lovely House, Paper Ring
by Malena Valcárcel


  1. Lovely post. Thank you so much Tabatha :)


  2. These are absolutely wonderful. Especially loved her Fairytale Scene and Ballerina Dress and Shoes.

    It was nice, too, to have a couple of them being held...really showed their size.

    Great work, Malena!

  3. Wow, just stunning sculptures. I am in awe of the talent and imagination! Thanks, Tabatha!

  4. These are absolutely amazing! I love them all, but Into the Mystic is my favorite.

  5. Wow! They're all so different and wonderful. I couldn't possibly pick a favorite.

  6. These are beautiful. Thanks for sharing!
