Friday, July 29, 2016

Swaps and what's on my fridge

Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.
~A.A. Milne

Today's post features poems I have received in the mail for the Summer Poem Swap. There's something so delightful about a friend thinking of you and writing a poem.


Spider plucks strings –
a bass so low
it can’t be heard.

Insistent chirp –
baby cardinal solo
answered by mother bird.

High up, cicadas buzz wings –
crickets croon below –
harmony is blurred.

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2016


Thanks so much, Mary Lee! And now one by the ever-charming Keri Collins Lewis:

This poem was sent to me postcard style, so it is up on my fridge, which gave me the idea to show you some of what is on my fridge...there's a lot of poetry-related stuff:

Reflections on the Teche has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Margaret!


  1. Good morning, Tabatha! Thanks for reminding me that I had a refrigerator picture I'd taken for today's post! I just added it. Someday we should have a refrigerator post day. Let's do it! I'm SO going to organize one before summer's end!

  2. Tabatha and Donna, I think it would be SO fun to have a refrigerator post day! Ours is a crazy mess of fun stuff that I just can't bring myself to take down!

    Thanks for featuring my poem, Tabatha -- love the pic you chose (much better than my on-the-fly reference shot/inspiration shot)!!

  3. I love the still and quiet perfection of Mary Lee's poem. You poet ladies are so brilliant!

  4. Both poems are wonderful and I'm inspired (by Donna as well!) to make my refrigerator a work of art, like yours, rather than the shabby catch-all it is at present. Thanks for the inspiration on all fronts!

  5. I'm singing a summer song of gratitude today, too, and your one of the people I'm grateful for, Tabatha. :) Somehow it's comforting to know your refrigerator and my bulletin board have a few things in common. I especially love Mary Lee's opening "Spider plucks strings..." and Keri's journey strikes a chord as well.

  6. Wonderful spider poem from Mary Lee, Tabatha. Someone posted this recently of a spider weaving-so awesome: I have a refrigerator full, on the side. It's stainless steel & doesn't hold a magnet on the front, sad! But I do try! Love seeing your pics & hearing from others!

  7. Tabatha, thank you for sharing this poem with us. I love your fridge collection!

  8. Refrigerator art is great but when you add poetry there is an extra look. Tabatha, I love the Poem Swap and wrote about it in my PF post. (Thank you for originating the idea with our group). Mary Lee's poem is wonderful as usual and Keri's postcard is a visual treat. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Wonderful sounds in the poem. I like the plucking strings. Your fridge looks just right!

  10. Cicadas definitely blur the harmony of a summer day. Thanks for keeping the summer poetry swap going. I've fallen behind, but I'll catch up soon now that I'll stay put for a while. My fridge is covered with "Save the dates" for weddings this fall, one of which is my own daughter's. It's going to be busy and fun.

  11. Can't say much more than what Carol said...both poems offer something unique and beautiful to the season!

  12. What a busily creative fridge you have, Tabatha. A feast, inside and out.

  13. What beautiful poems came your way! Thank you for sharing the wealth.

  14. Love this glimpse of your kitchen! My doggone newish fridge IS NOT MAGNETIC. This changed my life much more than I expected and I wouldn't make the same choice today. However, I have a new pinboard for poetry specifically, and I would love to have a Fridge Friday!

  15. Mary Lee's song is divine! Isn't it wonderful how our friends keep us in excellent fridge art of such interesting diversity? I'll have to tidy up a bit for the fridge photo day!

  16. Thanks for the glimpse into your fridge-life, and for sharing the poems. I love the idea of the poem-swap.

  17. An abundance of goodness, Tabatha! Thanks for sharing this gift-giving experience. =)
