Friday, June 24, 2016

The Open Air of Redemption

There is something in us, as storytellers and as listeners to stories, that demands the redemptive act, that demands that what falls at least be offered the chance to be restored.
~Flannery O'Connor

Want a little magic with your reality? Coming right up...

After the Disaster
By Abigail Deutsch

New York City, 2001

One night, not long after the disaster,
as our train was passing Astor,
the car door opened with a shudder
and a girl came flying down the aisle,
hair that looked to be all feathers
and a half-moon smile
making open air of our small car.

The crowd ignored her or they muttered
“Hey, excuse me” as they passed her
when the train had paused at Rector.

read the rest here


The Poetry Friday round-up is at Random Noodling. Thanks, Diane!


  1. I'm experiencing a flock right now. Thank you. xo

  2. A poem that makes you rush to the top, as you finish the last line & read again.
    What a huge talent Abigail Deutsch is, to use rhyme in this serious manner.

  3. In the future I hope we'll still have the birds to lose ourselves in. At the rate we're going, I have my doubts. Still, I thank you for sharing it. I wish you feathers and down.

  4. I'm not sure which way to "feel" the flock, but the poem is breathtaking. I wonder if anyone has thought to collect responses from many "after" the disaster? Thanks, Tabatha.

  5. An amazing poem. What a talent. And I love that you've paired her poem with the Flannery O'Connor quote. O'Connor was quite an amazing bird, too. Thanks for these.

  6. What a wonderful cheery poem about such a dark time and with a ghost and birds. Amazing.

  7. Having lived through the disaster the quote powerfully proclaims: "that demands that what falls at least be offered the chance to be restored." When I travel into NYC and remember the downed lives, I think of the resiliency of the people. Hope comes from the rubble and restores light to the darkness.

  8. Intriguing poem, Tabatha, and so appropriate after recent events.

    I notice on the site that had the remainder of the poem, there was a link to tips on poetry presentation--which I surely checked out, after posting along similar lines myself this week. What great resources on that site!

  9. I bet this poem would make a fabulous POL choice -- lots of opportunity for drama.

    Next time I feel my head pinched, I'll be on the lookout for the flock!

  10. Absolutely fascinating! I think you just introduced me to a serious rabbit hole, as well, with the Poetry Out Loud site. You never cease to inspire.
