Friday, February 5, 2016

At The Trumpet Flower

Gratias agimus tibi (Thank you)

Before I do today's matches, I want to let you know that I've made my dad's poetry book available as a pdf (with his permission!). Click here to get it.

The first match of the day is "Zen Garden" by Joy Acey with "In the Mood" by Robert Plant. Joy's poem is all about perspective, perception, and attitude, and "In The Mood" is flush with adaptability and a positive mindset. (This live version really shows Robert Plant in the mood, but the audio is not as clear).

Zen Garden

by Joy Acey

Some see only the gravel
and the rocks
needing raking.

See an arid land
where dust and dirt accumulates,
where nothing will grow.

Some see the same rock pile
of islands in a vast sea,

Or mountains
reaching through the clouds
striving upwards.

Today I am a rock.
Let me be an ocean island.
Let me be a misty cloud


I matched Robyn Hood Black and Vivaldi (performed excellently by the University of North Texas College of Music). They have resisted all attempts to use words to explain their connection. You will have to dip in to get a taste.

my small insights

a hummingbird

at the trumpet flower

~Robyn Hood Black


The very charming Michelle Heidenrich Barnes made a match of one of my own poems this week. Thanks, Michelle! I'm going to be sharing matches by Keri Collins Lewis on Monday (poem-song matches do double-duty for Music Monday and Poetry Friday).

Today's Poetry Friday round-up is at The Miss Rumphius Effect. Thanks, Tricia!


  1. Tabatha,
    Thank you for including my poem in your post. I really like the match up. I'll be back on Monday to see what you've got. The match with Robyn Hood Black's haiku is a treat. Thanks.

  2. I matched one of your poems today, too, Tabatha!
    I can hardly wait for the house to wake up so I can play the music here!

  3. Thank you, Tabatha, for including my poem in your marvelous musical matchups! Vivaldi - sigh.

    And Joy's - wow. Joy, that's just gorgeous, and I'm so glad to read it here, as I must have missed it elsewhere. (Of course, Mr. Plant is always sigh-worthy as well....)

    And, looks like these match-ups are contagious, jumping to other blogs too? :0)

  4. Nice to see more matches with PF regulars! Robyn's haiku with Vivaldi is especially lovely. :)

  5. You're introducing me to music I don't know so well, Tabatha, except the Vivaldi. Joy's and Robyn's poems are wonderful, too. It's a nice reflective post for this Friday, isn't it? I'm waiting for a furnace repair & hoping not too much is wrong, need a little reflection!

  6. I am thoroughly enjoying these matches, Tabatha. And for the musical interludes. =)

  7. As much as I appreciated the wonderful poetry-music match-ups, which I very much enjoyed, I "have" to focus on the generous gift of your father's and yours. What a family poetry treasure you graciously have entrusted to your PF family. I'm definitely downloading and enjoying multiple times. God bless you, and double-thanks to you and to your gifted father!

  8. So cool that you matched with Robert are just stunning at weaving strands of art.

  9. These music and poetry matches fascinate me! My brain just doesn't work this way, but I enjoy seeing what others come up with!

  10. I am impressed at how you managed this weaving of art forms. The pairings are indeed wonderful.

  11. Two more new-to-me poems– love them both! Joy's last stanza stops me in my tracks, and Robyn's haiku is brilliant (as so many of them are). The musical pairings are spot on! Here's how I would put the second pairing into words: the violins are the hummingbird, the vocals are the flower, and the rest is Vivaldi's magic.

  12. PS... thanks to both you and your dad for allowing me to download a copy of his collection!

  13. I'm with Mary Lee, my brain doesn't make poetry/musical connections. Do you thinks it's a skill that can be learned?

  14. That's an interesting question, Diane. I think it can be developed. It's probably something you never tried to do before, so you haven't flexed those muscles.

  15. These are wonderful. I love the different perspectives.

  16. What a feast for the senses today, Tabatha. The pairing of music and those poetic lines from friends is food for the soul, thank you so much!
