Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Peace on Earth

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.
~Mother Teresa

Having Art Thursday early this week because it is also kinda my Christmas card to you :-).

Yassan and friend, Kuala Lumpur

Have you ever heard of GPS art? I hadn't before I received a press release about this:

How to make GPS art (running)
How to make GPS art (biking)
Another GPS artist


  1. How wonderful this is, Tabatha. No, I have not heard of GPS art, but will be sure to share with my daughter who is at the Museum of Contemporary Art here. She'll love it. I'll also share on FB. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas too, and you a marvelous new year. Thank you!

  2. That was SO cool! I wondered how he managed the airfare...till I saw that Japan Airlines sponsored him. :-)

    What a wonderful showing of nice people everywhere. And Peace on Earth couldn't have been a better message.

    Thanks, Tabatha

  3. Beautiful... brought a tear to my eye. Thanks <3

  4. This is lovely, Tabatha. I'm going to share it with my 100 Thousand Poets for Change Friends.

  5. What a lovely quote from Mother Teresa.

    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, Tabatha.
