Friday, December 18, 2015

A Winter Wish

Sometimes our fate resembles a fruit tree in winter. Looking at its sad appearance who would think that those stiff branches, those jagged twigs would turn green again and blossom and bear fruit next spring; but we hope they will, we know they will.
~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

We are celebrating the Winter Poem Swap today, but it hasn't been feeling very wintery in my part of the world. I am looking forward to a bit of snow and ice, one of these days.

The intelligent and lovely Liz Steinglass sent me these sweet Cat Yin Yang cards by our own Robyn Hood Black/Artsy Letters:

The poem Liz wrote for me was perfect, and I appreciate all the effort (and drafts!) that went into it:

Monet, Train in the Snow


Diane has the Poetry Friday round-up at Random Noodling.

Addendum: Dori shared a yoga magnet cinquain and Relaxing in Antarctica (my swap poem for her) last week.


  1. I love Liz's poem. Especially the ending. It works so well with the season and the image. I received my gift this week and I also got something from Robyn's shop. Thanks for hosting the winter swap.

  2. Liz's poem goes SO BEAUTIFULLY with the Monet! Love. And I have long been a fan of Robyn's creations. And of YOU, Tabatha! Thank you for being the Poem Swap Queen. A consolation of snow, indeed! xo

  3. What a beautiful gift. Wishing you that "consolation of snow" and a long, slow coffee date with a friend.

  4. Liz did a wonderful job with that painting! I'm happy there are people who can see beyond the smoke and dirty snow! Merry Christmas to the Queen of Swap!

  5. What a lovely gift of wishes from Liz, Tabatha. Thank you for the swap idea. It is a pleasure every time. I love "mittened hands pressing raisins into frozen smiles". And when I'm outside, now that I'm in the city, I can hear the train whistles from across town! Love thinking of those arriving and departing for the holidays. Happy Christmas to you and your family!

  6. Hi Tabatha, Thanks so much for sharing my poem and thanks for organizing the poem swap. It's been a highlight of the season for me. I went ahead and posted one of my darker drafts on my blog today. You might be interested to see how I was feeling before I found a more positive outlook. Happy Holidays! Liz

  7. Also, how often does one see one's name immediately following Claude Monet!

  8. Exquisite poem. Hadn't seen that Monet painting before. Liz's poem is perfect! I can just hear that train whistle.

  9. Lovely sounds and sights painted in this winter wish--and the ending goes so beautifully with the painting. Lucky you for getting such a gorgeous gift, Tabatha! Wishing you a consolation of snow...

  10. I love to write poems to paintings, too! The train whistle announcing the arrival of a friend is lovely.

  11. The poem is perfect for the painting - what a touching way to breathe life into Monet's work! Wish I could have done the swap again this year, but hopefully next year!

  12. Sounds like/looks like I need to go shopping at Robyn's place!

  13. I love it that Monet's art + the artistry of this poem are paired with the art from Artsy Letters, our own Robyn's gifted studio.
    I've also enjoyed the other, more sedentary version of a response to
    winter's dreary (northern) skies. Both are wonderful.

  14. I agree with Matt--the poem is perfect for the painting. These swap gifts are quite amazing. They show so much mindfulness! All the best of the holidays to you, Tabatha.

  15. All these Poetry Friday winter snow poems are putting us at opposite sides of the globe. And sparking beautiful memories of my white Christmas, in Holland Michigan many years ago. Loved it! So much snow we packed into that day! And spent with friends making it all the more special. Loving the treasures of these winter poem swaps.

  16. I'm so happy to hear that a winter poem swap has happened. I love Liz's "consolation of snow" and do look forward to it...eventually. Hope to go and see your swap also.

  17. Tabitha, I am so sorry that I missed the Winter Poem Swap but I am sure that I will see some samples on Poetry Friday sights. Thank you for showcasing Elizabeth's poem, A Winter Wish. My daughter is so hoping for the white wash of snow dusting the ski trails in West Virginia. I am still lingering in autumn as I prepare the gallery but am awaiting the beauty of winter.

  18. Liz's poem is perfect in every way! I admire her ability to pull the hope of a friend's visit from Monet's industrial revolution poem! It's a gift to see the results of the Winter Poem Swap. Thank you so much, Tabatha, for everything!
