Thursday, August 6, 2015


Listen, real poetry doesn't say anything; it just ticks off the possibilities. Opens all doors. You can walk through any one that suits you.
~Jim Morrison

Welcome! The Poetry Friday round-up is here this week.

Over the years, people have described me in unexpected/mistaken ways (e.g. tall, a scientist, from England, with four kids). I am from England (by way of my ancestors hundreds of years ago) and maybe I am tall-ish at 5'6", but since my thirteen-year-old daughter is a couple of inches taller than me, I don't usually think of myself that way. And I'd be hard pressed to call myself dude-like, but why not? Here's a true-story poem from several years ago:

Back To School

While adding up my stuff
cashier says, "Dude, don't look
until it's over."


Interested in supporting a Kickstarter campaign for an Emily Dickinson documentary? Look here. (I want that acorn!)

Last thing before I start the InLinkz round-up...I am giving away 3 $15 Amazon Kindle gift cards (for buying books for your Kindle). Email me or leave a note in the comments if you want one.


  1. Ha! Dude, that is so weird. Love your true stories, Tabatha -- and what a great quote from Jim Morrison.

    I've added my linkies. And I'd love to throw my name in the hat for your giveaway. Thanks so much for hosting!

  2. DUDE! You totally rock for hosting! Thanks for rounding us up, and please add me to the list of readers whose book wish list exceeds her budget. :-)

  3. Dude, I love your blog. It rocks! Thanks for offering a cool dude give-away!

  4. Oh, Tabitha, I can relate to your true story. I've spent way too much on school supplies, but I want my students to have their best chance for success! Our school year starts on Aug. 17 so not much time left to shop!

    I'd love to be included in your give-away! Thanks for offering it!

    I'm in today with a tanka inspired my some unexpected visitors. Have a great weekend!

  5. That cashier had some good advice. Thanks for hosting.

  6. Oh dude, thanks for the giggle (and for hosting Poetry Friday).

  7. Dude, huh? I suppose you could grow into it! If you're doing a drawing for the gift cards, throw my name in, too, please! Have a great weekend.

  8. Hi, Tabatha. Thanks for the gift card offer. If I'm a winner, I'll pass my card along as a back-to-school donation.

    Your small poem is great. Snippets of conversation make for wonderful poems, don't they? With our eldest heading off to college next week, "Don't look until it's over" feels like good advice.

  9. Thank you so much for hosting, Tabatha! Love the Jim Morrison quote :)

  10. Thanks for hosting, dude! And for opening all the summer swap doors.

  11. Love that Morrison quote, Tabatha, and that advice from the cashier. It IS time for school again, Dude! Thanks for hosting! More swap sharing this time, such a pleasure!

  12. I also enjoyed the Jim Morrison quote! We're starting a Back-to-School series at Teaching Authors, too. Today's post includes a poem from our Book Giveaway book, Write a Poem Step by Step.

  13. Ah, Dudette, perhaps...but never a Dude, no matter how you rock the world! I'm retired now, but my mouth still waters when I get around Crayolas and colorful bins...and no, never check till the damage is done!
    Oh, please, "yes" to the giveaway drawing! So rockin'to make that available, Dudette!

  14. Ah, Dudette, perhaps...but never a Dude, no matter how you rock the world! I'm retired now, but my mouth still waters when I get around Crayolas and colorful bins...and no, never check till the damage is done!
    Oh, please, "yes" to the giveaway drawing! So rockin'to make that available, Dudette!

  15. Though you are many things in my eyes, Tabatha, "Dude" is not one of them. Sound back to school advice, however. Thanks for hosting today!

  16. Love your "DUDE" comment, and your haiku. I'm in with three "classifieds" written as haiku, as part of a project I'm working on with six fellow poets. Here's my link:

  17. Righteous haiku, dude! And like, totally timely, too!

  18. Enjoyed this a lot! I can relate to this so much that reading your poem made my morning.

  19. Thanks for hosting, Tabatha! Happy Poetry Friday! You're awesome, DUDE. :-)

  20. I love your poem! Thanks for sharing and hosting!

  21. Thanks for hosting, and visiting my blog before I even linked here. Dude, you're efficient! Fun poem, too---I'll remember that tip next time I'm at the register...

  22. I love Jim Morrison's definition of poetry!! Thank you, Tabatha. Can we really be talking back-to-school already?? Sigh. xo

  23. Give me "Dude" over "Ma'am" any day--it's a marker of equality and connection, I would say. Also, Jim Morrison was definitely a dude. Hey! His band was *called* The Doors....

  24. Thank you for hosting and for the smile. I'm happy any time someone at a cash register makes me look twice.

  25. Yay, it's a haiku kind of day. Thanks for hosting. The seven poetry "sisters" are doing classified haiku today, and here's mine.

  26. Ah, the irreverence of young cashiers who bring us back to earth! Thanks for hosting today, Tabatha!

  27. "it just ticks off the possibilities..."



    Love that moment. Smiling here in Western New York. :)


  28. I love that quote! And your true-story poem. Perhaps it was a dude who spoke?

  29. Dude, I could totally use one of those Kindle GCs for my classroom! I project my read alouds from Kindle to make them more interactive.

    Thanks for rounding us up, and thanks for your generosity!
