Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Request Approved

Hey Internet,

Is it okay if I don't post this week?

We've had health issues and I am playing catch-up.

Fortunately, I have this permission slip to be a blog slacker:

If you think you might need it in the future, feel free to take one for yourself! :-)


  1. Great idea. I'll take one of those permission slips and put it away for later.

  2. Thinking about you, Tabatha. Hope all is okay health and otherwise. I'll be using one of these permission slips for the month of July, thanks. :)

  3. Get well and stay well! Thinking of you!

  4. Thank you for the good wishes! I am actually fine; it's my husband who has been having health issues. I will send your wellness thoughts his way.

  5. Ah, t'would be better for thee if t'weren't he who be under the weather... (it must be the influence of the Pirate fare I was reading in previous posts...)
    Prayers for a speedy recovery for him, and strength for you!

  6. Save a permission slip for me, too! Do you have a bronzed version that I can keep in my bag, permanently?

  7. Feel better, Tabatha. I love the permission slip idea - so necessary for when life gets in our way. =)

  8. I hope everyone at your house is all better soon, Tabatha. Your permission slip is great! = )
