Saturday, December 20, 2014


Reflections On a Scottish Christmas
by Johnny Cunningham

The dark of winter wraps around us tight.
The lamps are fired, and flickering light
beats time to the fiddle as notes float
softly down, like the years' first snow.
While outside the window
a blast of late December wind
whistles harmony to the drone of the pipes.
We push the old year back against the wall
so we can dance a jig for Christmas
and welcome in the new.

I discovered a peril of herbal medicine recently. My husband was somewhat sick and I kept giving him stuff to make him feel better and then he would go to work. Where he wouldn't get any rest, and we would start again the next day, with him a bit more exhausted. So maybe helping him feel well enough to go was not doing him a favor. Trying to get him to take a day off is somewhere between "tough" and "nearly impossible," but people just need to get their rest, you know?

Speaking of rest, I could use a break (literally and figuratively) myself. Ever since the PTA Reflections arts competition deadline moved from after Christmas to before Christmas, my holidays have been more rushed. I love the Reflections program, but when I turned in this year's entries, I danced a jig in my heart that I am not going to be doing it next year. I've been coordinating the program for eight years and as many as three schools at a time. It's a lot of work at a busy time of year.

So we've had Reflections, illnesses, wisdom tooth surgery, pet minding, present shopping & making going on ... yesterday when I found myself grumbling to the Christmas tree about the fact that it keeps wanting to be watered, I realized that I should cut myself some slack somewhere. I gave myself permission not to post this week. I had to get up a million times while I was writing this (to attend to a cat, a dog, and a sick child) so I figure that was the right choice. Happy holidays, all!

Some old winter and holiday posts.


  1. Good grief, Tabatha, what have we done to ourselves? Each year I say we have to cut back, and although I have, I still get discouraged about what more I should be doing. Maybe this year will see us turning the corner and letting it go?

  2. Everyone does need rest, and a break, and it seems that yours is well deserved. Best wishes for a restful and happy Christmas, Tabatha.

  3. I *really* needed to hear this today, Tabatha. I got up early to (finally) check in on my own blog, visit some of my writing friends' blogs, and then get to work on some (fun but extensive) edits I have been working on for months...there has just been no time for writing, blogging, etc. during this wonderful, crazy, busy season. I love this time of year, but need to make an active choice to rein it all in a little better next year! I especially love the poem you shared. Do you mind if I share it on my blog as well, and link my post to this entry? I am so glad you are allowing yourself to take a break! Merry Christmas!!!

  4. Happy to have you share the poem/link, Becky! Hugs to all, T.

  5. Hope you have gotten some well deserved rest and time with your family. One thing no one tells you when you sign up to volunteer for something is that you end up doing it FOREVER. (Or, you know: Eight years.)
