Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Father Time

Time is what keeps everything from happening at once.
~Ray Cummings

Time is a little wibbly-wobbly today, as I share Art Thursday on Wednesday...

Hope you can look back on 2014 with fondness and forward to 2015 with pleasure. My New Year's resolution is to train our puppy, who has thus far shown little interest in it, so I am looking ahead with eagerness and trepidation.

Closing the Book
John T. McCutcheon

Father Time
photo by Christopher Brown

photo by Ron Adams

New Year's Postcard, 1910

Sign Here, Please
German lithograph postcard, 1910

Vintage New Year's Card
photo by Dave

Janus, Waltham Abbey parish church
photo by Steve Day


  1. Happy New Year, Tabatha. Love the pictures, especially that first one, & the postcards, too. Best wishes for a wonderful year with that puppy!

  2. I love the art you are sharing today, Tabatha, and especially like the Ray Cummings quote. Happy New Year!


  3. Love the Cummings quote, too. :-)

    Very nice depictions of New Year's Day, Tab. I always feel a little sorry for the old year...wizened, decrepit, and so tired.

    And it was nice to include Janus in your selection, especially since that's where we get "January" from! (Janus was the two-faced Roman god of face looking back and one face looking forward.)

  4. A fun collection! Happy New Year to you.

  5. I love all the depictions of Father
    Time, but especially the sculpture. He looks like he could rise up and go! Have a great 2015!
