Monday, November 10, 2014


There are different ways to take over the World. But there is only one way to take over the Universe and that’s through meditation.
~Aishwarya Shiva Pareek

Religion Facts says, "Singing bowls are used throughout the Himalayas in monasteries and homes to aid meditation. The sound of a singing bowl can be used to mark the beginning or end of a meditation period, or during meditation to focus the mind."

You can read more about them here or just take a listen (I think maybe this video is so long so people can sleep with it on):

Tibetan singing bowls give up their chaotic secrets by Jason Palmer (BBC News)


  1. Oh my, Tabatha, this is so pretty. I've just kept it going while I move around. Maybe I'll keep it for the evening, not a wake-up kind of sound. One of our teachers uses a bowl/ringing sound to call her students to group.

  2. Love the singing bowls! I also love the quote about meditation. :)

  3. We have a singing bowl from Nepal. It was good to see this because it's hard for us to make it sing using the suede end of the mallet. Now I want to try it with water!

  4. Lovely. I'm going to be using this recording often. Thanks!
