Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A Poetry Monster Gallery

It occurred to me that my visitors who just come on Thursdays wouldn't have seen any of the Poetry Monster project. This is something that my daughter Elena and I have been making together (she was 12 when we started in April 2014). I cut the paper collages and she adds the words.

Click on a poet's name to go to the poem that inspired Poetry Monster.

William Carlos Williams

e.e. cummings

Walt Whitman

Emily Dickinson

Edgar Allan Poe

Robert Frost


  1. These are absolutely wonderful.

    The designs capture the poems delightfully, and the text is exquisitely appropriate!

    Thoroughly enjoyed them.

  2. Love these. Great seeing them all together :)!768

  3. They are wonderful! What a great project. I can't even choose a favorite. They're all have distinct personalities.

  4. I think Poetry Monster should have his own TV show... or at least his own gallery exhibit. You and Elena sure do make a great team.

  5. Oh! I've never seen these. Clever, clever and fun, fun, fun! What an incredible duo you are!

  6. I love your cut out collaged Poetry Monster and poems–kudos to this creative team!
