Friday, March 7, 2014

Poetry Posters from VQR

It is strange how a scrap of poetry works in the mind and makes the legs move in time to it along the road.
~Virginia Woolf

Today we have two poetry posters from Virginia Quarterly Review, the University of Virginia's literary journal. I appreciate that VQR has permitted me to share these:

by Claudia Emerson

by Heather Dubrow


Today's Poetry Friday host is Margaret at Reflections on the Teche.

Last week's poem was Fire Victim by Ned Balbo.


  1. The combination of photos and poetry can't be beat! I just went to the VQR site and browsed the 12 posters that are there--a morning treat!

  2. These are special aren't they Tabatha! I love the first, and the line about handling because they are as skeptical as they are about an unborn child. And the second, all of it is wonderful, but that final line, ha to the insects. Now I really can't wait to begin planting!

  3. Hi, Tabatha. What do you think of this year's NPM poster? I love the geranium poem -- what power Dubrow gives this plant, chasing off the blights and bugs.

  4. These are wonderful. Thanks for sharing them!

  5. Great posters! Would love my entire house decorated in poster-sized poetry... especially when it makes me laugh, like Geranium did.

  6. The geranium was my favorite! Like marigolds, they are hardy and strong and just on this side of beautiful, and definitely pungent! I love the fragrance.

  7. LOVE the geranium poem. Passing that on. Thanks, Tabatha!

  8. While I enjoyed both the Geranium and Greengrocer poem, I was taken by your quote from Virginia Woolf: "It is strange how a scrap of poetry works in the mind and makes the legs move in time to it along the road."
    This reminds me that poetry still remains my center. My lifeblood indeed. :)

  9. Hmm...poetry posters. I'm getting a Poetry Month idea...

  10. Yes, poetry posters....hmmmm.

    I enjoyed the way that geranium jumped up out of a prissy garden where we might be tempted to trap it and took over the city.

    You track down the best stuff, Tabatha.

  11. Just catching up on Poetry Friday posts. Thanks for this link and idea. The poem and poster combination is inspiring.
