Friday, January 10, 2014

Woven Fine

I was angry with my friend:
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow.

And I watered it in fears
Night and morning with my tears,
And I sunned it with smiles
And with soft deceitful wiles.
~William Blake, The Poison Tree

A bit of Blake today.

from Auguries of Innocence
by William Blake

Joy and woe are woven fine,
A clothing for the soul divine.
Under every grief and pine
Runs a joy with silken twine.


The Blake poem is completely un-lullaby-y, but somehow this song works:


Mainely Write is hosting the Poetry Friday round-up today.


  1. Very gorgeous music for this morning and most enjoyable revisit to the poison tree. Simple, true, a kind of ancient, so very current. Thanks as always!

  2. Love listening to the music, but especially enjoyed the conversation between Stafford and Bly, Tabatha. It hasn't occurred to me to look for interviews like that. I like both poets, and they have much to share, don't they? Thanks for these small moments from Blake.

  3. Thanks for the Blake fix in words, song, and enlightening conversation. What a treat to see Bly and Stafford together.

  4. I, too,enjoyed the consversation btween the poets, Tabatha - they hear and feel in a more refined way than the rest of us mortals...certainly than I, failed poet that I am! And I love the way you link music and poetry in such unexpected ways. Thank you!

  5. Thank you so much! I love Blake but I confess I didn't know these. I want to read more!

  6. Such power and truth in Blake's words. Your first video brought me back to my college days when a couple guys and me used to hang out in a basement stairwell and jam... we didn't do Blake, though. And Loreena McKennitt? Is there anything she can't make work? Sounded like a mix of Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen reciting the poem...? Okay, I just looked it up, Douglas Campbell. Great voice, that Douglas Campbell.

  7. I always read your posts and think, "How does she COME UP with this stuff?" I am eager to know your blogging process. :-) Fascinating stuff. Note to self: Don't break the golden thread! Or any thread!!

  8. A wonderful post full of paths all worth pursuing. Thank you for some time well spent!

  9. Loreena McKennitt is positively angelic--melding with the poetry.

    Thanks for including the photo of the grave marker. I found the tokens left behind particularly intriguing.

  10. What a wonderful collection of William Blake's poetry-vignettes! Classic. I have a collection of Loreena McKenitt's music, perfect complement to Blake's verse.

  11. Love, love, love. You find and share the best stuff. I also particularly enjoyed that conversation between two greats, about another one!

  12. Hi, Tabatha. I've read conversations between Bly and Stafford before, but have not seen this video. Thank you for sharing it. They are powerful together.
