Saturday, January 25, 2014

Campus Safety

This incident at Alabama State University is completely disturbing.

It makes me want to share some resources with you all (and also make sure my children don't attend universities where sexual assaults go uninvestigated and unpunished!). Perhaps if enough alum donors, potential students, their parents, and other interested parties point out to negligent colleges the error of their ways, we will see improvement.

Some resources:

* Students Active for Ending Rape
* The Clery Center for Security on Campus has a Help for Victims section with "The Federal Campus Sexual Assault Victims’ Bill of Rights" and information about how to file complaints if your rights have been violated
* Know Your Rights: Campus Sexual Assault from the American Association of University Women
* Campus Rape Victims: A Struggle for Justice
* Sexual Assault on Campus reports from The Center for Public Integrity
* Female students' safety on campus is a right
* Campus sexual assault: suggested policies and procedures from the American Association of University Professors
* Men Can Stop Rape: Creating Cultures Free From Violence
* Previous posts on antiviolence visuals and Men Against Rape and Discrimination
* Also art as therapy, music therapy, and meditation

1 comment:

  1. I hope others read your post Tabatha. There is an ongoing investigation at CU Boulder concerning the response to a rape too. There is an organization on campus, but still little has been done. Here is the link I found:

    Thank you!
