Friday, December 27, 2013

Robust Spirits

Two by Emily Dickinson today. I saw the first one in a book called Poems for Children and Other People, edited by George Hornby, that my Winter Poem Swap friend Michelle gave me:

He ate and drank the precious words

by Emily Dickinson

He ate and drank the precious words,
His spirit grew robust;
He knew no more that he was poor,
Nor that his frame was dust.
He danced along the dingy days,
And this bequest of wings
Was but a book. What liberty
A loosened spirit brings!


I stepped from plank to plank
by Emily Dickinson

I stepped from plank to plank
   So slow and cautiously;
The stars about my head I felt,
   About my feet the sea.

I knew not but the next
   Would be my final inch,—
This gave me that precarious gait
   Some call experience.


I'll be sharing the original poem Michelle gave me next week! Mary Lee is the Poetry Friday round-up host today.


  1. What a pair! The joys of both reading and experience.

    (love the rhyme of "final inch" and "experience." Very Kay Ryan-esque...or better yet, Ryan's rhymes are Dickinsonian!)

  2. "He ate and drank the precious words"
    I don't remember having read this one before. It's a great one to use for a library quote. Have a great New Year's!

  3. I had to close my eyes after I read "He ate and drank the precious words" thenre-read it again. Such beauty. Poetry fills the soul indeed. :) Happy New Year, my dearest Tabatha!

  4. I felt my spirit loosen from reading these! Great picks, Tabatha. And thanks for the mention too. :) Looking forward to sharing your poem next week as well.

  5. Emily says so much in so few precious words, doesn't she? I love the structure of "He Ate and Drank the Precious Words." She closes each line with a complete thought until she grabs our attention with

    "And this bequest of wings
    Was but a book. What liberty
    A loosened spirit brings!"

    Thanks for sharing these two poems. Happy New Year!
