Friday, September 20, 2013

Confab and Contests

A friend is a gift you give yourself.

Welcome, everybody! Good to have you here. We're having a party, poetry style!

Today, in addition to doing the Poetry Friday round-up, I'm holding a giveaway. Several giveaways, actually. Two of them are particularly good for teachers, kids, or for anybody who wants to share them with kids, and one is more personal and not really meant for sharing.


One winner will receive a Shakespeare's Greatest Hits, Volume 1 cd:


Another winner will receive The World's Very Best Opera for Kids cd:


And lastly I am giving away a custom-made set of poetry binder dividers. You can tell me which poems to use or leave it up to me.

If you'd like to enter any of these contests, you can send me an email: tabatha(at)tabathayeatts(dot)com. I will randomly choose winners next Wednesday the 25th.

I look forward to visiting your links!


* Greg brings us The 14 Fibs of Gregory K. theme song.

* Renee is featuring Margarita Engle's new verse novel THE LIGHTNING DREAMER, including a video of Margarita reading selections.

* B.J. has an original poem, The Sense-sational Sea: a poem in two voices.

* Myra offers us a Marilyn Singer and Gris Grimly collaboration, Creature Carnival, perfect for their current bimonthly theme on Monsters, Beasts, and Chimera: Spooks and Spectres.

* Ruth is sharing Monet Refuses the Operation by Lisel Mueller.

* Catherine is thinking about her grandmother and Robert Burns.

* Heidi has an anecdote and a video.

* At Author Amok, poet Charles Rammelkamp discusses his synagogue's annual Poetry Shabbat.

* Carol is sharing Love Wants to Know How.

* It's Miniature Golf Week at Today's Little Ditty, featuring an original poem inspired by Michelle's little putters.

* Jama is enamoured with apple dumplings over at Alphabet Soup.

* Margaret has more dots for International Dot Day and an Animoto video with a collaborative Dot Day poem by her students.

* Laura Salas is in with Bathtub Families by Billy Collins.

* Robyn is "carpe-ing diem" with Andrew Marvell and his Coy Mistress. Oh, and there's some amorous birds.

* Irene is posting from the National Book Festival (this weekend, in DC) and has a little Shel Silverstein poem that captures how she's feeling today.

* Joy brings us THE LIZARD and a poetry prompt.

* Becky's poem, It's Apple Pickin' Time, was inspired by her family's recent visit to a local orchard.

* Diane has a little poem called My BFF at Random Noodling.

* KK's Kwote is a line Diane found in Deborah Levy's novel, Swimming Home.

* Kurious Kitty continues "Talk Like a Pirate Day" with a poem from Shiver Me Timbers!

* Liz is sharing her latest favorite poem -- Introduction to Poetry by Billy Collins.

* At The Poem Farm, Amy has a story poem about kindness, inspired by a student's writing piece.

* Janet is joining in with a poem about goldfinches.

* Keri pops in with her 2 favorite love poems and a request for everyone else's!

* Carmela offers her Children's Poetry Blog Hop post, in which she (anxiously) shares the first poem she ever had published: My Sanctuary.

* Matt has a couple of haikus - one for children, one for adults.

* Linda is celebrating being on the Cybils Poetry Group-Round Two, and sharing a sweet fairy poem.

* At A Teaching Life, Tara is sharing a poem about chocolate milk, which, her students tell her, is yet another thing they feel is being unjustly taken away.

* Violet brings us a light-hearted sonnet called Fruit Notes.

* Happy Cybils panelist Anastasia has a haiku about the upcoming Cybils poetry nominations.

* Cathy's poem is about an Artist Date with a hungry koala!

* At Bildungsroman, you can find The Elf and the Dormouse by Oliver Herford.

* Samuel posted five new poems this week on the lunchbox doodle site. (He's especially proud of today's poem, which is, in part, a welcome song to Autumn.)

* At Father Goose, Charles is Speaking of Flowers.

* Ed shares some minor quibbles about the 2013 Cybils Poetry Award.

* Dori offers This is the garden: colors come and go by e.e. cummings.

* Mary Lee posted The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

* Jennie has a review of October Mourning: A Song for Matthew Shepard by Leslea Newman.

* Jone is sharing a summer swap poem she received from Keri.

* Jeanette showed POETRY magazine to her students and it inspired some fun responses from the kids.

* Janet Wong explains The Mortimer Minute (bunny witness protection plastic surgery courtesy of Dr. LaTulippe).

* Janet Squires reviews The Place My Words Are Looking For: What Poets Say About And Through Their Work, selected by Paul B. Janeczko.

* Betsy is imagining Dark Horses.

* Teach Mentor Texts is thinking about Banned Books Week.


  1. Hi, Tabatha. Good contests!

    I'm up with something a little different today: the lyrics of The 14 Fibs of Gregory K. theme song.

    The song, music and lyrics, is by Andrew Huang. As is the performance, too, which you can hear over at my blog.

    Thanks for hosting!

  2. Hi, Tabatha. Good stuff up for grabs!

    Thank you for hosting Poetry Friday! Today I'm featuring Margarita Engle's new verse novel THE LIGHTNING DREAMER, including a video of Margarita reading selections.

  3. Hi Tabatha! I'm in today with an original poem, entitled, "The Sense-sational Sea: a poem in two voices."

    Thank you for hosting and for offering giveaways! How generous of you!
    ~ BJ

  4. What a wonderful giveaway, Tabatha. So very generous of you. :)
    My Poetry Friday offering is still a Marilyn Singer and Gris Grimly collaboration with "Creature Carnival" - perfect for our current bimonthly theme on Monsters, Beasts, and Chimera: Spooks and Spectres.
    Thanks for being such a fabulous host this week!
    Here's the link:

  5. I didn't realize you were hosting today -- and I posted something I got from you, "Monet Refuses the Operation," by Lisel Mueller.

    Here's my post:

    Thank you for hosting! I'll be back later to read what everyone is sharing.

  6. Thinking about my grandmother always makes me think of Robert Burns. Thinking about Robert Burns always leads me to "A Red, Red Rose"

    Thanks for hosting, Tabatha!

  7. Good morning, Tabatha--

    At first I thought the opera prize was the personal one you wouldn't share. : )

    I only had time for little anecdote today but it comes with a video:

  8. Good morning, Tabatha! Those CDs look amazing. Thanks for the giveaway and for hosting today.

    Friday is the beginning of the Jewish Sabbath. Many religions have a poetic tradition. Poet Charles Rammelkamp's synagogue has an annual Poetry Shabbat. He's visiting AuthorAmok to tell us about the service.

  9. Good morning Tabatha,
    Thanks for hosting poetry and the giveaway. I'm intrigued by the idea of poetry notebook dividers and would love to see a picture.Wondering if they would be something fun to share with my middle school students…

    My poem today is "Love Wants to Know How." It's an anonymous poem that Parker J. Palmer shared earlier this week, kind of reminds me of Mary Oliver's SUMMER DAY.

  10. What fun, Tabatha! Are you celebrating something or just in the giving mood? Either way, that's some good stuff!

    It's Miniature Golf Week at Today's Little Ditty, featuring an original poem inspired by my little putters.

  11. Happy Friday, Tabatha,

    Thanks for hosting and doing all these giveaways!

    I'm enamoured with apple dumplings over at Alphabet Soup today:♥-my-darling-my-dumpling-♥/

    A good way to celebrate Fall, I think. Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. It's early. I sent you an email, but I am able to comment. The form was hiding. I have more dots for International Dot Day and an Animoto video with a collaborative Dot Day poem by my students. Thanks! Happy Friday!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. OK, third try:>) Great post, Tabatha--what a generous PF Host you are! I love those poetry dividers.

    I'm in with "Bathtub Families," by Billy Collins, at

  15. What a party! Thanks for your always-wonderful surprises, Tabatha. And thanks for hosting!

    Today I'm "carpe-ing diem" with Andrew Marvell and his Coy Mistress. Oh, and there's some amorous birds.

  16. What a party! Thanks for your always-wonderful surprises, Tabatha. And thanks for hosting!

    Today I'm "carpe-ing diem" with Andrew Marvell and his Coy Mistress. Oh, and there's some amorous birds.

  17. Hi Tabatha - opera for kids! Poetry dividers! LOVE! Thank you for hosting, and for your continued generosity.

    I'm posting from the National Book Festival (this weekend in DC) and have a little Shel Silverstein poem that captures how I'm feeling today.

  18. Yahoo! A poetry party. Thanks for hosting Tabatha. May I please come?
    I have a little poem today, THE LIZARD, and a poetry prompt. I'm at:

    Thank you for hosting.


  19. Thanks so much for hosting, Tabatha! My poem today, "It's Apple Pickin' Time," was inspired by my family's recent visit to a local orchard.
    = ) Becky

  20. Hi Tabatha! I have a little poem called "My BFF" at Random Noodling.

    KK's Kwote is a line I found in Deborah Levy's novel, Swimming Home.

    Kurious Kitty continues "Talk Like a Pirate Day" with a poem from Shiver Me Timbers!

  21. Tabatha,
    Thanks for hosting. What fabulous giveaways!
    Today I'm sharing a poem by Billy Collins, "Introduction to Poetry." It's my favorite these days.
    Have a great day everyone,

  22. Tabatha,

    Thank you for your generosity - today and always! Happy Poetry Friday!

    Today at The Poem Farm, I have a story poem about kindness, inspired by a student's writing piece.

    xo, a.

  23. Thank you for hosting today! I'm joining in with a poem about goldfinches:

  24. Good morning friend! Thanks for hosting. Wedding bells ring today so I must dash. I'm in with my 2 favorite love poems and a request for everyone else's!

  25. Hi Tabatha,
    Thanks for hosting today's roundup! Today is my Children's Poetry Blog Hop post, in which I (anxiously) share the first poem I ever had published, "My Sanctuary." And I tag you for the hop!

  26. Thanks for hosting, Tabatha - that Shakespeare CD sounds cool! I'm today with a couple of haikus - one for children, one for adults:

  27. What a nice thing, your giveaway prizes! I'm in just celebrating being on the Cybils Poetry group-Round Two, and sharing a sweet fairy poem I discovered this week. Thanks Tabatha!

  28. Thanks for hosting today, Tabatha, and enticing us with giveways! At A Teaching Life, I'm sharing a poem about chocolate milk, which, my students tell me, is yet another thing they feel is being unjustly taken away:

  29. Thanks for hosting Tabatha, and for making those lovely giveaways available!

    I am in today with a light-hearted sonnet called "Fruit Notes." It's here:

  30. Thanks for hosting today, Tabatha! So many prizes - what a wonderful way to celebrate!

    At Poet! Poet! I have a haiku about the upcoming CYBILS poetry nominations. (I'm so happy to be a panelist this year! I can't wait to read, read, read all of the books!)

  31. Thank you for hosting Tabatha!

    My Bildebok poem post for today is about an Artist Date with a hungry koala!

    Thank you for sharing the links. I look forward to reading wonderful poetry posts all day!

  32. Good morning, poets and bloggers!

    Thanks for hosting the round-up today, Tabatha.

    I posted The Elf and the Dormouse by Oliver Herford at my blog, Bildungsroman.

  33. Thank you for hosting this week, Tabitha! Good luck on your giveaway!

    I posted five new poems this week on the lunchbox doodle site. I'm especially proud of today's poem which is, in part, a welcome song to Autumn.

  34. Hi Tabatha! Love your Poetry Party today! Poetry and Prizes and Fun, oh my!

    We're "Speaking of Flowers" today at the FATHER GOOSE Blog

  35. Slowly swinging back into this Poetry Friday thing ... today I share some minor quibbles about the 2013 Cybils Poetry Award. LINK:

    Thanks for hosting!


  36. I seem to be slow on everything lately! Nice giveaways, Tabatha. Thanks for hosting.

    I'm in with gardens and e.e. cummings.

  37. I'm making my return to Poetry Friday with a review of October Mourning: A Song for Matthew Shepard by Leslea Newman.

    Thanks for hosting!

  38. Tabatha, Thank you for hosting. I hope to have my post uploaded this afternoon. Sharing a poem I received this summer. Fitting for the last Friday of summer. Check out

  39. Thanks for hosting. I shared POETRY with my students and it inspired some fun responses from the kids:

  40. Oh, gosh, so many enticing posts and (SIGH) I know I won't be able to read as many as I'd like. This is what The Mortimer Minute is all about! THE MORTIMER MINUTE?!?? (bunny witness protection plastic surgery courtesy of Dr. LaTulippe)

  41. Thanks for hosting.
    For Poetry Friday -- "The place my words are looking for: what poets say about and through their work" selected by Paul B. Janeczko.

  42. What fun giveaways! I am in with a poem inspired by horses running in the night. It draws up a lot of images for me and as I wrote it I could see it. I hope you do too.

  43. Updated link, finally:

  44. Celebrating Sonya Sones and other great authors who write novels in verse on my blog who have been challenged. Next week is banned books week!

    Thanks for hosting!
