Monday, September 2, 2013

Cathy & Marcy

Last week, I was reminded of a kids' song by Grammy award winners Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer called "Turn It Off, Change the Channel, Leave the Room." As you might guess, the song talks about what to do when stuff you don't want to see comes on the TV. Good advice.

It's from their Changing Channels cd, recommended for ages 3-8. There's also an accompanying book, which "gives children the tools to think critically about what they see on TV, resolve conflicts productively, and develop healthy self-esteem."

A Cathy and Marcy video for your amusement (Marcy is the one doing most of the talking):

I remember interviewing Cathy Fink a long time ago, although I can't remember what the occasion was. I do remember her telling me how many instruments Marcy could play... it was 30-something. So talented!

Cathy and Marcy offer cd or online music lessons on various instruments.

1 comment:

  1. This is great, Tabatha! I love the video--these are talented ladies!
