Thursday, August 8, 2013

Music for the Eyes

Just as writing can become calligraphy when it’s creatively, skillfully, and consciously performed, so can all other activities become art.
~H.E. Davey

I have featured the beautiful art of calligraphy before. Today, we have calligraphy on various surfaces and from all angles:

Water Calligraphy, Jingshan Park, China
photo by Brian Beggerly

Calligraphy: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quotes
by kateinoregon

At the Afsarwala Mosque within the Humayun's Tomb Complex
photo by Sourav Das

Calligraphy Brushes
photo by Kari

Calligraphy legos, 博 bó
photo by Empress of Blandings

Treasure of the Aga Khan
photo by Maxpax

photo by 5u5

photo by Jessica Lucia

Turkish Islamic Calligraphy Art
photo from Ottoman Calligraphy

Calligraphy is the art to put the brush on paper properly and then accurately remove it.
~saying from the International Exhibition of Calligraphy site


  1. These are wonderful, Tabatha.

    Just this week I ran across a new word: calligraffiti, which is "graffiti that uses or is inspired by calligraphic letterforms and techniques."

    BBC News has an interesting article on a practitioner of this form:
