Friday, June 28, 2013

Talking Poetry

I love this Voice of America headline -- "US Poet Laureate: Find the Poem that Speaks to You." There IS a poem that speaks to everyone, I'm sure of it. You can hear US Poet Laureate Natasha Trethewey speak with VOA here:

Want to listen to more about poetry? TED talks has a poetry category, which includes Billy Collins, Emmanuel Jal, Natalie Merchant, and Shane Koyczan, among others.

Amy has the Poetry Friday round-up at The Poem Farm.


  1. Good morning, Tabatha. Those Ted talks are addictive. Thanks for sharing the link.

  2. Tabatha, I am in love with Natasha Trethewey. She is so lovely and her poetry, ah!
    Today I posted my poem response for the poem swap. Do I need to credit the picture? Thanks for organizing this!

  3. I do love the sound of her voice! As much as I enjoy her poems, I am even more moved by the way she recites them. I understand that she spends a bit of every week at the Library of Congress, our Poet Laureate in residence....I have to find a way to get there and "visit" her. Thanks for sharing this, Tabatha.

  4. Tabatha, I heard that Trethewey's stint has USPL has been renewed another year. And yes, I do believe there is a poem for every single person. xo

  5. I had never heard the Billy Collings TED talk -- thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

  6. Beautiful voice indeed! And yes, there is a right poem for everyone. :)

  7. I loved hearing this, Tabatha, such a strong voice from her. Tara says she loves the voice, but I don't think I've ever heard her, so thank you much for sharing the short interview, and the Ted talks too. Love those talks!

  8. Wonderful interview--thanks for sharing it.

  9. Thanks for the link! I enjoyed it and also learned I have been mispronouncing her name!

  10. Thanks so much, Tabatha! (I posted a Trethewey poem this week, too.) Oh, and Tara - if you check back here - I believe NT will be moving back to Georgia for the second term, so double-check before you go visit.

  11. I can't listen right now, but I'll come back. Thanks for the link to the Poetry TED talks. Now can you find me the time to watch them all?!?!?

  12. "It seemed to me that poetry was the only way to reckon with that loss..." - N.T.

    A treasure trove. As always.
    Thank you, Tabatha.

    I will be listening through the poetry TED talks, and I will link to them too.

    My apologies for the late comment - I had to travel unexpectedly. Happy poetry week! a.

  13. Her comment about "finding the right poems" really spoke to me. That's so important early on... to not turn kids off, like so many adults are turned off, by the "idea" of poetry. Thanks for posting this. :)
