Thursday, May 16, 2013

At the Desk

Mad Hatter: “Why is a raven like a writing-desk?”
“No, I give it up,” Alice replied: “What’s the answer?”
“I haven’t the slightest idea,” said the Hatter.
―Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

My idea of a perfect room is a study/library with a rolltop desk and large windows that lead out into a garden. Lots of desks there a desk in any of your perfect rooms?

Interieur mit Dame am Schreibtisch vor geöffnetem Kabinettschrank
by Paul Barthel (1862–1933)

Portrait of writer Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garshin
by Ilya Repin

Alexandre Dumas in his Library, The Three Musketeers

Study at a Reading Desk‎
by Frederic Leighton, 1877

Desk in the library at Zutphen, 1894

Still-Life with Books
by an unknown Dutch Master, c. 1628

Jean Miélot at his desk, 15th century
by an unknown miniaturist

Frau am Schreibtisch
by Lesser Ury (1861–1931)


  1. So appealing, aren't they? I think that final painting would be quite wonderful to see; the light looks magical! I have a new space in my new house with lots of light, right off the kitchen. I suspect it was supposed to be a breakfast room, but I've made it into my office, & love it. I use a small mission desk (that was my daughter's) for computer, etc., & a old kitchen table as a work space. Perhaps you should post your own pictures, Tabatha? Thanks for these!

  2. When I was in high school, my parents bought me a nice-looking desk that turned out to be too small for spreading out stuff. So, now, my "desk" is a 5' by 3' table just in front of a large window. There is another window to the side that faces a porch, so I can get a nice breeze even on rainy days. So I'm happy now!

    These are wonderful paintings. I love Study at a Reading Desk by Leighton; beautiful piece, but I must admit my back hurts just looking at it. ;-(

  3. Of course! I have always fancied Virginia Woolf's writing desk at Monk House....but the ones you chose we're lovely, too.
