Friday, April 5, 2013

Musical Poetry

I share a lot of music on The Opposite of Indifference and I am circling 'round again with some music-inspired poetry. First up is a lovely haiga by Diane Mayr:


This next poem was inspired by a video I posted in October 2012:

A No People Song
a triolet by Nathan Li, age 7

It's a no people song,
The players are all balls.
It's an extremely cool song.
It's a no people song.

Would you like to play along
with musical waterfalls?
It's a no people song,
The players are all balls.


Are you familiar with 100 Scope Notes' Book Spine Poems? I made a jazz club book spine poem called "What Happened At Midnight?"

What Happened At Midnight?

Wild Magic
 Furious Improvisation --

   Beloved Things Not Seen --
    The Joy Within
     A Corner of the Universe.

City Jazz by brillianthues


from Song from a Country Fair
By Léonie Adams

...I saw the old come out to dance.
The heart is not so light at first,
But heavy like a bough in spring.

read it here.


Robyn has the Poetry Friday round-up.


  1. I remember the musical video! The poem by the young boy is just right, isn't it? I love that you placed the 'title' of the book spine poem upright, haven't seen that before but it creates a good image, Tabatha. Thank you for all the goodness here!

  2. Your blog is always like a carnival for creative folks! Thank you for all of these wonders. I'd missed the music last fall - incredible. Nathan is my hero - what a terrific concept for his triolet, a "no people song."

    Bravo all around.

  3. Between Irene Latham's Progressive Poem, my Poetry Friday poem, and's turning out to be a very musical month! Really enjoyed these.

  4. Myra Cohn Livingston used to ask, "Can you put a little more music in it?" Great post, Tabatha--and a great reminder at how poetry and music are (and need to be) connected!

  5. What a wonderful spine poem! Well, it's all wonderful.

  6. Love your spine poem! Fun to have the title vertical!

  7. A lovely collection, Tabatha. I love those wonderful lines from Léonie Adams.

  8. I love everything in this post :) And I agree that the book spine poem with the title vertical looks fantastic, and sounds great too.
