Thursday, December 20, 2012


Finding happiness should not be seen as finding a needle in a haystack. Happiness is within...Therefore, finding happiness should be like finding a gift in a stack of gifts.
~Steve Maraboli

I've been working on the PTA Reflections arts program all week. This year's theme is "The Magic of a Moment," so I have enjoyed seeing the many ways that students interpret magic moments. They unwrap them like gifts, great and small.

No student art to share today, but when I put this week's post together, I was inspired by the Reflections theme:

And a New Story Started
by Hamed Saber

Hope on Blue
by Meena Kadri

Something Sweet
by Milena Mihaylova

Doctor Who Adventures
by Thomas Leuthard

Buddha in the Jungle Highlands
by Trey Ratcliff

Chinese Aviatrix Receives Gift Of New Plane From Colonel Roscoe Turner, Washington, D.C. [1939]
shared by Ralph Repo

Paralympians Jaroslav Hadrava and Rene Taus celebrate
by Gaƫl Marziou

Christmas gift suggestions

“Christmas gift suggestions:
To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, service.
To all, charity.
To every child, a good example.
To yourself, respect.”
photo by Leland Francisco


  1. Wonderful photographs...and all celebrating very different magic moments.


  2. How beautiful! Thank you, Tabatha. I'm reading the Reflections pieces here in WNY too. Thank you, too, for organizing the Winter Swap. It has been such fun! xo, a.
