Friday, November 23, 2012

Random Acts of Poetry

“Poetry is what happens when nothing else can.”
~Charles Bukowski

Lobby Poetry
At the company Boxbe, a Ghanaian security guard composed a new message each day.
photo by Steve Jurvetson

Sir John Betjeman's Poem Inscribed at St Pancras Station
photo by gadget dude

Poem Delivery
Chiado, Lisbon, Portugal
An Italian couple, accompanied by a puppet that represents Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa, distributes poetry.
photo by Pedro Ribeiro Simões

Knoxville, Tennessee
by Nikki Giovanni
photo taken in Takoma Park, MD by Takoma Bibelot

Two blackout poems by my 17-year-old daughter Ariana:

Wonka does Shakespeare

Mary Lee is our Poetry Friday host at A Year of Reading.


  1. Lovely to see that poetry is still alive in many places, Tabatha. I like those black out poems by your daughter! And that first one, messages posted by the security guard. Isn't it terrific that secret loves by the unexpected are revealed?

  2. This is a fun post! Have you been to all these different places and collected these, or are they off of the internet? Like Linda, I like the black out poems and want to show them to the fifth graders. I also want to show them the Shakespeare in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Thanks!

  3. You always find the coolest things! So many creative, unstuffy ways to share poetry. Great blackout poems, too :).

  4. This makes me want to start some sort of poetic revolution of my own. Thank you for sharing!

  5. Nice to see so many unique ways of creating and distributing poetry!

  6. I enjoyed this post so much, Tabatha, particularly the black out one. Kind of reminded me of Linda's sharing of the Black Glass Soliloquy. :) I also love the Bukowski quote. :)

  7. Love, love, love them all...but especially your daughter's blackout poems.

  8. Wonderful! I love that huge/consoling sea!

  9. Hi, Tabatha. Ariana's blackout poems are really cool and interesting. I'll bet that's a fun exercise. Thanks for sharing these -- I used to love the poetry series on the New York City subway system.
