Friday, October 26, 2012

Poetry Gifts for Teens (and Others)

I give my kids stuff kind of randomly. For instance, I buy books and leave them around to be discovered. If you are in the market for a little something for a thoughtful teen in your life, whether for a special occasion or just because, here are some possibilities to get you started:

Poems and poetry-inspiring books (the first five are teen favorites in my house, the last three are ones I have heard of but don't own):
Saved by a Poem
Poetic Medicine: The Healing Art of Poem Making
Writing the Life Poetic
100 Poems to Lift Your Spirits
Poetry Speaks Who I Am
A Writer's Notebook: Unlocking the Writer Within You
Nerd Haiku

Poem shirts:

Every Life Writes a Poem
Two Roads by Robert Frost
The Trees Dance
poem shirts from an old post

Poetry cds:

St. John's Poetry Sessions, Vol. 1 (Portland high school poets working with local musicians -- only $5!)
The Canterbury Tales, Remixed by Baba Brinkman (rap)
Billy Collins Live

Poetry movie:

Louder than a Bomb dvd

Poem jewelry:
One Art necklace, poem by Elizabeth Bishop
Life is Fine necklace, poem by Langston Hughes (made by the same artisan as the Bishop necklace)
Believe There are No Limits but the Sky necklace
Recycled book paper earrings
Midsummer Night's Dream earrings (they also have Pride & Prejudice earrings)
"I carry your heart" bracelet (and others)


If by Rudyard Kipling
Silence of the World (Thomas Merton)
Charles Bukowski: Love and Fame and Death
I Have Loved the Stars

Blank journals and manuscript binders:

Blank journals at Barnes and Noble
Manuscript Binders

2013 Poetry Calendars:

Haiku 2013 Calendar
Poetry of Rumi Wall Calendar 2013
Royal Shakespeare Company 2013 calendar

Books in Verse:

A list of books in verse for teens


Pablo Neruda notecard
Poem Ornaments
6 Apps Every Aspiring Poet Should Have On Their Device

Suggestions from the comments:

artsyletters by Robyn Hood Black
Haicubes game
Janet Wong's book of poems about driving Behind the Wheel and e-book poetry collection P*Tag (co-edited with Sylvia Vardell)
Il Postino, a cd with Pablo Neruda poems read by actors


Got more suggestions? Please share!

Our Poetry Friday round-up host is Linda at Teacher Dance.


  1. Wow. What a list! Thank you.
    Do you know about Robyn Hood Black's Etsy shop artsyletters?

  2. This is my kind of shopping list! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Awesome list, Tabatha! I'm sending it to my husband - there it is, every gift to please my soul for birthdays and Chistmases to come!

  4. Such a fabulous list -- just what I needed. Teens are sometimes very challenging to buy for. :) Thank you!

  5. Ack -- I only have one of these teen friendly books of poetry. Must resist urge to rush to bookstore.

    May I recommend adding Haikubes to your Miscellaneous list, Tabatha? My daughter and I have a great time leaving each other poems on the kitchen counter.

  6. Tabatha, what a wonderful list you've curated. I will share with our high school history teacher/poetry guru (the one who takes the kids to the Dodge festival.) I'd also add Janet Wong's BEHIND THE WHEEL and the P*Tag ebook.

    Thanks for all the time it must have taken putting this together.

    [Liz - thanks so much for the shout-out! (I didn't pay her, I promise.)]

  7. What a great collection of links! Thanks.

  8. Wow, this is wonderful! What a great list of resources! I'm going to bookmark it for Christmas.

  9. A wonderful compilation of poetry love! My favorite poetry cd of all times would have to be Il Postino - poems of Pablo Neruda as read by so many Hollywood Stars. I fall in love with Andy Garcia all over again whenever I listen to it. :)

  10. I have most of the books on your list, but the T-shirts are new to me. I think I'll add some of those to my holiday wish list! Thanks!

  11. Great list, Tabatha. I love Poem Crazy, but don't know the others. Will look for them when I can. Thank you.

  12. I think lots of poetic Santas/gift-givers must be thanking you for this list!
