Thursday, September 6, 2012

Aesop's Fables

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

Looking at illustrations of Aesop's Fables today, starting with one from 1479 and working our way forward. If you click on the title of an illustration, you'll go to the text of its story.

De quadrupedibus et avibus
by Heinrich Steinhowel, 1479 (Note the unicorn!)

The Serpent and the Farmer
by Heinrich Steinhowel, 1521

The Young Man and the Swallow
by Bernard Salomon, 1547

De Leporibus et Ranis
by Francis Barlow, 1687

The Dog in the Manger
Illustrations by Ernest Henry Griset, John Tenniel, and Harrison Weir, 1884

Brother and Sister
by Walter Crane, 1887

The Frogs Asking for a King
by Arthur Rackham, 1912

The North Wind and the Sun
by Milo Winter, 1919

The Mouse and the Lion
by Milo Winter, 1919

The Wolf and the Crane
by Milo Winter, 1919

The Camel
by Takeo Takei, 1925
(Takeo Takei is awesome! Click to see more).

* Aesop's Fables lesson plans from Web English Teacher
* The Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary School by Candace Fleming


  1. These are all SOOOOO wonderful! Thanks for sharing, Tabatha.

  2. Great illustrations...and from such a variety of sources.

    I've always been a fan of Arthur Rackham, so it was great to see examples of his work.

    And thanks for giving links to the stories behind the illustrations. Excellent.
