Friday, August 24, 2012


Circle Flower by Werapat Apirojananan

by Abayomi Animashaun

Such lies have been told about her.
My favorite: ‘when she comes
The blue hand of the sky vanishes.
Hippos storm the sun.
Birds peck furiously at anthills.
Wings wrap tightly against trees.’
But notice how she doesn’t say a word
And sits beside you when
The moments of love have flickered their last.
How she stands beside you when solitude
Has you cornered. Right now she is outside
Rinsing her hair. Later, she’ll use it
To wipe the mirrors of your heart.


Posted with permission of the poet.

Abayo Animashaun's poem Ode to Bill Stafford
Animashaun's first book of poems: The Giving of Pears

Dori Reads is our Poetry Friday host today.


  1. Beautiful Tabatha. I love "she’ll use it
    To wipe the mirrors of your heart." What a love poem. Thank you.

  2. Such a beautiful poem and the perfect image to go with it. Sad and haunting, like an other-worldly examination of human emotion.

  3. Beautiful, and with the perfect accompanying image. Thanks for sharing, Tabatha.

  4. Wow. I love the illogical connections here and how they create such a powerful mood.

  5. Who is "she"? A mother, I think, who stands beside you through thick and thin, and gives everything to help you heal.

  6. Beautiful poem. I am enamored.
    The lies about loss are incredibly put, it captures how we feel loss like hippos storming. But the truths about her are far more poignant and the image of her sitting next to you in silence...powerful..

    I'm glad to have dropped by your page.

    thanks for sharing.

  7. She doesn't say a word, and we're wasting our time trying to argue with her. Great poem.

  8. I was captured by the photo of the wet rose. Washed in tears? Beautiful.

  9. I love "when solitude/ Has you cornered."
    Beautiful. And apt.
