Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Dance Marathon

I read about Dance Marathon in the U Iowa newsletter. The Hawkeye Dance Marathon provides emotional and financial support for patients and their families treated at University of Iowa Children's Hospital. Since 1995, when the Iowa program began, they have raised $11 million.

Dance Marathon from Kyle Loughrin on Vimeo.

Children's Miracle Network has info about Dance Marathons across the country.


  1. Oh Tabatha, this made my heart sing. It's such a marvelously inspiring video/program. I'm going to tweet & Facebook it. Others should know about it too! Thank you for sharing!

  2. One of my students spent quite some time at U Iowa when he was younger and needed specialized surgery. The basket ball team took him on as a mascot of sorts and made his summers there something to actually look forward to. Our kids have big hearts and prove that they can make this world a better place. thanks for sharing this, Tabatha!
