Friday, June 22, 2012

Healing Words

When they ask me, as of late they frequently do, how I have for so many years continued an equal interest in medicine and the poem, I reply that they amount for me to nearly the same thing.
~ William Carlos Williams

Sometimes what I share for Poetry Friday is random, and sometimes it is based on my own life, like last week when we celebrated the marimba. This week, one of my kids had surgery, so doctors are on my mind.

Also, I just read A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness (I finished it in the waiting's not recommended hospital reading, to be honest). So, I'm going to give the poet-doctor Glenn Colquhoun a chance to blow off some steam:

Today I do not want to be a doctor
by Glenn Colquhoun

Today I do not want to be a doctor.

No one is getting any better.

Those who were well are sick again
And those who were sick are sicker.

The dying think that they will live.
And the healthy think they are dying.

Someone has taken too many pills.
Someone has not taken enough.

A woman is losing her husband.
A husband is losing his wife.

The lame want to walk.
The blind want to drive.
The deaf are making too much noise.
The depressed are not making enough.

The asthmatics are smoking.
The alcoholics are drinking.
The diabetics are eating chocolate.

The mad are beginning to make sense.

Everybody’s cholesterol is high.

Disease will not listen to me.

Even when I shake my fist.


More doctor poetry:

* Anne Sexton's Doctors

* Monet Refuses the Operation by Lisel Mueller

* I had already named this post "Healing Words" before I heard about Healing Words Productions, connecting medicine and the expressive arts, and their first documentary. The below poster is from Healing Words Poetry Posters:

* The 2012 International Symposium on Poetry and Medicine is over, but the 2013 Symposium is scheduled for next May.

* Please read The Poetry Ward: A doctor dispenses poems to patients and medical students by Danielle Ofri

On an unrelated topic, I'd like to give a shout out to young writer Kenzi! Kenzi participated in my Young Writers Club several summers ago. It would be nice to schedule another; I hope I can find the right time.

Today's Poetry Friday round-up is hosted by Amy at The Poem Farm.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Tabatha, I don't know what to talk of first. It's a marvelous post, oozing with beauty about poetry. I agree that A Monster Calls would not be a good read when in the hospital. Great book, though.
    I loved all the doctor poems, but especially the essay titled The Poetry Ward. She must be an amazingly creative person who would be doing something like this no matter what kind of career. But luckily for these people, she is their supervisor (and doctor). Thank you for sharing these new pathways to poetry.

  3. Thank you, Tabatha, for sharing this post. Will pass along to my doctor hubby. Best wishes for health and healing in your household this summer!

  4. Sending healing thoughts and hugs to your daughter.

    Thanks for all the good doctor poems and reminding us about the power of poetry. Healing Words Productions sounds like a wonderful program.

    Have not read A Monster Calls. Curious now.

  5. Best wishes to your daughter, and thanks for sharing this wonderful doctor poem. I'm an Anne Sexton fan, so enjoyed that one too!

  6. Wow. What a strong poem. So honest. Thanks for sharing and wishing you and your family complete healing.

  7. Thank you for the good wishes! My son's surgery went well. The recovery is tiring!

  8. Tabatha, I am so grateful for this post. Thank you for taking the time to put it up during this tough family time. Today's poem is so insightful and sad and true. I sent the whole post right to my doctor sister, and I love the idea of a post dedicated to poetry about a profession. It is good to hear that your daughter is doing well...I am keeping your family in my thoughts.

  9. I love it when posts jive with life like this one does. Glad to hear your son is recuperating well.

    As soon as I began reading, I thought of the article "The Poetry Ward" and then I see you linked it. Isn't it a fabulous piece? Lots to check out here. Thanks for the interesting resources.

  10. Spent time with my parents at the beach this past weekend, giving rise to many thoughts about surgery, doctors, aging and changing. Got in trouble with my dad for taking my mom out in the surf,where she might break something. Thank you for all these eclectic and versatile links!
