Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Edible Books

Howl's Moving Castle by Blue Note Bakery

Ever thought about making a cake that looks like a book? I made a Harry Potter birthday cake a while back. If you want to give it a go, you can find a lot of inspiration on the web:

Playing by the Book's Edible Book Festival 2012 entries and Edible Books Pinterest board.

Tattered Cover's Pinterest board


More edible books at Cakewrecks (these were made by professionals).

Like puns? The Seattle Edible Book Festival has them in spades. You can see a Flickr album of the festival entries here.


  1. My goodness, is that really a cake? I don't think I want to do that, but maybe someday with my granddaughter? I like your spine poem-you found some unusual books to help create. Thanks, Tabatha!

  2. Cool. I don't think I have that much baking talent.

  3. My kind of post! I wish we had an Edible Book Festival in the D.C. area. The Seattle one always looks so cool. Thanks for the links.
