Friday, October 7, 2011

See As You Did Again

Credit: Roxanne Evans Stout

The Prescription
by Jacob Polley

Darling, d'you think you can't see as you did?
Then find inside this battered tin,
this tin that smells of cold metal and rust,
these steel-rimmed spectacles. Hook them on,
for I want you to see as you did again.
Others have. Those who've aged, or lost,
have worn them a while, and regained
lovers or sons, memories or minds,
then returned to their lives, less vague, less blind.
Now look straight at me and say what you see.
Tell me I look as I looked before,
that you feel as you felt. That I'm yours.


The Prescription is from Little Gods, published by Picador, UK. Posted with permission of the poet.

Also, don't miss Polley's A Jar of Honey.

This week's Poetry Friday round-up is at Great Kid Books.


  1. "Now look straight at me and say what you see.
    Tell me I look as I looked before,
    that you feel as you felt. That I'm yours."

    seems tinged with quiet sadness and desperation.
    or is it hopeful?

    "for I want you to see as you did again.
    Others have."

    Trinkets and nostalgia - would they be enough to see 'as you did before' - does it make you any 'less blind?'

    Ah. Too Many questions. :)

  2. Intriguing and touching poem -thanks for sharing, Tabatha! Love the photograph with it.

  3. I love this -- sometimes we all need those glasses.

  4. Magical!

    I need something to help me recall memories that seem to be getting lost in the dusty corners of my old brain!

  5. What a lovely poem. A gentle yearning and reflection. Perfect for my mood today. :)
