Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Oh, You Animal!

sculpture by John Buckley, photo by Henry Flower

An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language.
~ Martin Buber

Hmm, it looks like their backsides do, too.

My new The Opposite of Indifference project: putting together themed collections. There are over 600 posts on this blog, so there's a lot to cull from. Hope you find something you like!

First up, animals. Although I'm aware that humans are animals, I am not including them in this list, as that would make a not very interesting or useful list...

The Opposite of Indifference
Animal Collection

* Owls
* Turtles
* Bees
* Monkeys
* Mice and Rats
* Frogs
* Dinosaurs
* Spiders
* Unicorns (what? they don't count?)
* Beatrix Potter
* Carousel animals
* Seal Lullaby
* The Lark Ascending
* A Dream of Horses
* To A Skylark
* Redwall poetry
* This Is A Poem That Heals Fish
* Holy Cats
* The End of the Raven, as told by E.A.Poe's cat
* When I Was (multiple animals)
* The Spider's Web
* The Sage (Turtles)
* Macavity, the Mystery Cat
* If you turned up your nose at unicorns, you probably don't think I should include this either: The Kraken

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