Thursday, June 2, 2011

Scholar Stones

The National Bonsai Foundation says:
Bonsai and viewing stones are closely related art forms, each reflecting a deep respect for nature. While a bonsai is cultivated to evoke the qualities of a venerable old tree, a viewing stone is usually displayed to suggest an aspect of the natural landscape, such as a distant mountain or a waterfall. Thus, when these small-scale forms are viewed together in a complementary arrangement, the whole of nature can be imagined.
Chrysanthemum Stone - Moon Night
National Bonsai Foundation
Gift from Nippon Suiseki Association to President Gerald Ford
Photo by Joe Mullan

Dwelling Stone
From Ciniru River Valley, Kunigan, West Java, Indonesia
Gift from Indonesian Suiseki Association
Photo by Joe Mullan

from the Metropolitan Museum of Art
by Lang Ying (1585-ca. 1664)

Abstract Suiseki
In the Earth Art Gallery
Photo by Andrew Alden, licensed to; suiseki by Jim Broadhurst

Mountain Stone Suiseki
In the Earth Art Gallery
Photo by Andrew Alden, licensed to; suiseki by Lance Plaza

From The Zymoglyphic Museum
Stars in Stone

The Ancestors' Land
by Primangelo Pondini

Interested in learning more?
Felix Rivera has a very nice Suiseki site


  1. How fascinating! I'd never heard of viewing stones before. My favorite was The Ancestor's Land. Thanks for sharing these. :-)

  2. These scholar stones are fascinating to look at and wonder about, drawing you into the primal blocks of nature.

    But I must admit that I love just as much my black "worry" stone. I keep it in my studio and look at it from time to time to appreciate its being. The difference is that I often pick it up and rub it and that takes me to a deeper level of appreciation, a deeper connection.
