Monday, May 30, 2011

SoundScape and a Singing Tree

Two bits of musical public art for Music Monday:

The Singing Ringing Tree, a wind-powered sound sculpture in England
designed by architects Mike Tonkin and Anna Liu
photo by Leah Makin Photography

Miami's SoundScape/New World Center:

The New York Times' Anthony Tommasini describes the opening of SoundScape: "A much larger audience [than the one inside with the orchestra] watched the concert as the video was relayed live on the 7,000-square-foot white wall next to the center’s inviting glass entryway."

The outside audience can hear it through "167 high-quality speakers tucked neatly into a rectangular network of horizontal and vertical tubes. It looks more like an enormous tubular sculpture than an array of speakers."

"The big news here is the high quality of the sound, the best outdoor amplification I have ever heard. During Mr. Thomas’s performance of Wagner’s “Flying Dutchman” Overture, the orchestra came through with remarkable presence, body and clarity. Sitting in the park watching the broadcast you do not detect the music coming from any particular set of speakers. Rather, it permeates the space."

You can read the complete article here.
Schubert on the Beach: The New World Symphony’s radical new home, The New Yorker.
Grand Opening Miami Beach SoundScape/Lincoln Park
More photos from the Open Architecture Network

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