Friday, April 29, 2011

Poetry Friday is Here!

So pleased to be hosting Poetry Friday this week! Thanks for coming.

I wanted to share two poems by James A. Emanuel, but I wasn't sure how to get permission. They aren't old enough to be in the public domain. Mr. Emanuel is 90 years old himself, and I'm not sure how to contact him. This is a common dilemma! I ended up deciding to link to one and post a portion of the other.

Jazz Singer by Creative Enterprise with Keith Mallett fabric

Excerpt from "I’m A Jazz Singer," She Replied
by James A. Emanuel

He dug what she said:
bright jellies, smooth marmalade
spread on warm brown bread.

“Jazz” from drowsy lips
orchids lift to honeybees
floating on long sips.


Here's Emanuel's Poet as Fisherman.


* Over at TeachingAuthors, April offers an original poem about what she's learned in writing a poem a day for more than a year. It's about being present and ready to catch the poem when it appears. (sometimes...!)

* Books4Learning shares A Kick in the Head: An Everyday Guide to Poetic Forms by Paul B. Janeczko.

* Kerry gives us an original poem/action rhyme called "Let's Dance!" in honor of both National Poetry Month and National Dance Week.

* Anne at Little Sprout Books is using poetry to get ready for teacher appreciation week (and enjoying some funny-poem giggles while we're at it!).

* Mary Lee graciously supplies some twitkus, inspired by Dave's bummers.

* Maria brings us an original poem about an original topic -- OAA state tests.

* Tara has a poem from the New York Times' series "Poetry Pairings."

Diane shares a smorgasbord of poetry:

* At Random Noodling, there's "poetry exercises."

* Kurious Kitty looks at Poetry Tag Time.

* Kurious K's Kwotes' P.F. quote is by Socrates.

* And, at The Write Sisters: "A Shower" by Amy Lowell.

* Heidi posted her new original "a way."

* Continuing her series of Maryland poets this month, Laura Shovan has Lalita Noronha's nature poem "At Sea" with a related writing prompt that's school-friendly.

Laura Purdie Salas also has multiple PF posts:

* She's got "Jellyfishing" from Leslie Bulion's At the Sea Floor Cafe.

* Plus 15 Words or Less poems (come play).

* And she invites anybody who enjoys writing poetry to join in the Wednesday club where she and Susan Taylor Brown are doing a kind of ongoing book club on Sage Cohen's Writing the Life Poetic.

* Amy at Hope Is The Word reviewed a picture book of Edward Lear's poetry.

* Amy LV has a classroom poetry peek into Dale Sondericker's room where we learn some new ways to help children connect with poems. Also, she has silly poems and the almost-end of her year roundup.

* Carol brings us A Cloth of Fine Gold by Dorothy Walters.

* Tanita is here with the final poem from the Oakwood School on Mare's War, titled "Everything She Wasn't."

* Jama is wrapping up her Poetry Potluck today with a soup poem by Kelli Russell Agodon.

* Ruth brings us original recess duty haiku.

* It's the fourth and nearly final round-up of Dave's thrice-daily twitter haiku today.

* Carlie shares an original poem about personal panic: "Chocolate, Balm For All Ills."

* Katie lets us know about a dog poetry collection by Patricia Maclachlan and Emily Maclachlan Charest.

* Student poetry today ("30 Days = 30 Students") from McMac

* Isn't it funny for poetry that is over two hundred years old to be timely? But it is. Robyn shares William Blake's Songs of Innocence.

* Happy Birthday to Liz Garton Scanlon's husband, who is the recipient of her 29th daily haiku.

* Charles Ghigna (Father Goose) posted a terrific list of Poetry Forms with descriptions and examples at the HOW TO WRITE A POEM Blog

* At Wild Rose Reader, Elaine has a review and excerpts from Janet Wong's poetry collection THE RAINBOW HAND: POEMS ABOUT MOTHERS AND CHILDREN, which would make a wonderful Mother's Day gift!

* More Janet Wong! Michelle has the second part of her fascinating interview with Joan Bransfield Graham, April Halprin Wayland and Janet Wong on the Writing Process.

* Blythe offers Ode to the Brain, a slice of sciency poetry spun from the words of scientists by melodysheep. We all have an enchanted loom...

* For all the little aspiring princesses, Brimful Curiosities has "Purple" by Nikki Grimes.

* Like me, Martha is into hats today.

* Judy brings us Bishop's One Art, as she thinks about loss.

* Rain is on Sarah's mind as she offers Emily Dickinson's take on the subject.

* Karen E shows us how much she will really miss Michael Scott.

* One post by Elaine is never enough. She's back with two original acrostic poems about the month of May.

* Ben at The Small Nouns shares his 29th new (to him) poem of the month: "For My Daughter" by David Ignatow.

* Get a breath of fresh air with Andi's haibun!

* Inspired by the blowing of giant bubbles in her yard (and maybe by Prince William's sartorial splendor), Hannah is offering up "A Fairy in Armor" this week.

* Greg has two poems up today as part of 30 Poets/30 Days: Linda Sue Park's sijo Explaining Baseball to an Alien and Kristine O'Connell George's Daze of the Week.

* Tricia is in today with a poem by Barbara Hamby and a round-up of last week's national poetry month posts.

* Janet Squires' selection is "A Crossing of Zebras: animal packs in poetry" written by Marjorie Maddox and illustrated by Philip Huber.


In honor of National Poetry Month (and my blog's upcoming first anniversary), for a limited time I'm giving away The Opposite of Indifference bookmarks featuring Sir Monkey of Sock. Just email me at tabatha(at)tabathayeatts(dot)com with "bookmark" in the subject line and your address in the body of the message. The bookmark art is by Rachel King Birch.


  1. from Books4Learning

    A Kick in the Head: An Everyday Guide to Poetic Forms by Paul B. Janeczko

  2. Hi, Tabatha. I'm submitting an original poem/action rhyme today. It's called "Let's Dance!" in honor of both National Poetry Month and National Dance Week. Thanks for hosting the round up today. And congrats on your blog's upcoming first birthday. Your bookmarks look very cute!

  3. Ok. So I am really tired right now, and I forgot to add my link!

  4. We're using poetry to get ready for teacher appreciation week (and enjoying some funny-poem giggles while we're at it!)

  5. Oh, wow. POET AS FISHERMAN is one I'm putting into my electronic save-folder anthology. I can relate both as a mediocre fisherman and as fisher-for-words poet. Love that! Thanks!

    More thanks to you for the tiny but huge note of encouragement yesterday on my twitkus. I wrote another trio. I don't love them as much as the first three, but it's what I'm thinking about today!

    And the last thanks (for now): Thanks for hosting the roundup!

  6. Thanks for hosting Poetry Friday I have sort of written a poem about OAA state tests. Thanks for sharing the links:

  7. Thanks for hosting today, Tabatha! I have a poem from the New York Times' series "Poetry Pairings":

  8. I'm watching the royal wedding! The best of luck to the happy couple.

    At Random Noodling I have "poetry exercises."

    Kurious Kitty looks at Poetry Tag Time.

    Kurious K's Kwotes' P.F. quote is by Socrates.

    And, at The Write Sisters I'm sharing "A Shower" by Amy Lowell.

  9. Good morning, Tabatha, Queen Monkey of Sock. I'm posting a poem that came out of nowhere last night--a draft I guess, called "a way".

    I guess I was present and ready...

  10. Good morning, Tabatha. I'm enjoying my British tea with the wedding!

    Continuing my series of Maryland poets this month, I have Lalita Noronha's nature poem "At Sea" with a related writing prompt that's school-friendly.

  11. Thanks for hosting, Tabatha! I've got "Jellyfishing" from Leslie Bulion's At the Sea Floor Cafe at

    Plus 15 Words or Less poems (come play) at

    And I invite anybody who enjoys writing poetry to join in the Wednesday club where Susan Taylor Brown and I are doing a kind of ongoing book club on Sage Cohen's Writing the Life Poetic:

    Will be back later today to read your post and visit people's pages--off to Weight Watchers at the moment:>)

  12. I reviewed a picture book of Edward Lear's poetry--

    Thanks for sharing the poems and artwork! Very nice!

  13. Happy almost anniversary! Today I have a classroom poetry peek into Dale Sondericker's room where we learn some new ways to help children connect with poems. Also, I have silly poems and the almost-end of my year roundup.
    Happy Poetry Friday and wedding too! A.

  14. Thanks for hosting, Tabatha. I'm in with A CLOTH OF FINE GOLD by Dorothy Walters.

  15. Happy PF! Thanks for hosting - I'm here with the final poem from the Oakwood School on Mare's War, titled "Everything She Wasn't. Love the sock monkey!

  16. I'm wrapping up my Poetry Potluck today with a soup poem by Kelli Russell Agodon:

    Thanks for hosting, Tabatha!

    Have a good weekend. :)

  17. Thanks for hosting. Here's my entry for today: here.

  18. yeah for jazz poems!

    so it's the fourth and nearly final round-up of my thrice-daily twitter haiku today.

    thanks for hosting

  19. Your beginning makes me want to go eat toast with marmalade in quantity! Beautiful.

    I have an original poem about personal panic: Chocolate, Balm For All Ills. Thanks for hosting!

  20. Thanks for hosting. Here's my Poetry Friday post:

  21. Thank you for hosting today and sharing Emanuel's poetry. Love the I'm a Jazz Singer.
    Here's my student poems:

  22. Thank you for hosting, Tabatha! I'm piping in with William Blake, as balm for us here in the Southeast and as a nod to the Royal Wedding.

  23. Thanks for hosting!!
    My 29th daily haiku (in honor of my sweetheart's birthday) is here:

  24. Thanks, Tabatha!

    We've posted a list of Poetry Forms with descriptions and examples at the HOW TO WRITE A POEM Blog

  25. Thanks so much for doing the roundup this week!

    At Wild Rose Reader, I have a review and excerpts from Janet Wong's poetry collection THE RAINBOW HAND: POEMS ABOUT MOTHERS AND CHILDREN, which would make a wonderful Mother's Day gift!

  26. Thank you, Tabatha, for hosting today.

    Today I offer Ode to the Brain, a slice of sciency poetry spun from the words of scientists by melodysheep. We all have an enchanted loom...

  27. For all the little aspiring princesses, today we shared "Purple" by Nikki Grimes.

  28. Thanks for hosting today! The coverage of the Royal Wedding had me thinking about hats, which led me to post Edward Lear's "The Quangle Wangle's Hat."

  29. Thinking today about loss.

  30. I've got a nice spring rain poem on my blog at:

  31. Thanks for hosting. I'm in today, saying good-bye to Michael Scott.
    It's here.

  32. I'm back! Over at Blue Rose Girls, I have two original acrostic poems about the month of May.

  33. Sharing my 29th new (to me) poem of the month. "For My Daughter" by David Ignatow.

    Thanks for hosting!


  34. Tabatha, thank you so much for this round up! I will spend the weekend enjoying it. I have some of my original haibun from the past week up for today. It's been a great month!

  35. Inspired by the blowing of giant bubbles in my yard (and maybe by Prince William's sartorial splendor), I'm offering up "A Fairy in Armor" this week.

  36. Oops! Forgot the link! :-P

  37. I really, really like the excerpt of a Jazz Singer you posted. Great words at play there.

    My first fan, a poet - David Biespill - just won the Oregon Bood Awards for his poetry. Nice.

    Sir Monkey of Sock is adorable.

  38. I've got two poems up today as part of 30 Poets/30 Days:

    Linda Sue Park's sijo Explaining Baseball to an Alien


    Kristine O'Connell George's Daze of the Week

    Thanks for hosting!!!

  39. Hi Tabatha,

    Sorry it's taken me all day to get here. I'm in today with a poem by Barbara Hamby and a round-up of last week's national poetry month posts.

    Thanks for hosting!

  40. Thanks for hosting.
    My selection is "A Crossing of Zebras: animal packs in poetry" written by Marjorie Maddox and illustrated by Philip Huber.

  41. Tabatha, I followed the link to the full first poem--I love that! The syncopation. The brevity. The sensory language. It's going in my Poetry I Love folder. Thanks for introducing me to this poet I'm unfamiliar with!
