Friday, March 4, 2011

It Is Unwise To Mock The Poet

My informal survey of existing poetry-related t-shirts indicates that at least half of them are about Poe and/or his Raven. In keeping with that figure, half of the below shirts are Ravenesque.

Housekeeper Needed
HOUSEKEEPER NEEDED to clean the pallid bust of Pallas above my chamber door. Lenores preferred. Must like birds. Send a message in a bottle to E.A. Poe.

Geek Love Poem

Writer's Block

For poor, for poorer...
Poetic License

Another Poe t-shirt

POEM = Professional Organization of English Majors shirt

Iambic pentameter shirt

Madigan brought up poetry magnet sets last week. You can play with online magnet sets at the Magnetic Poetry site. Here's the genius set and the artist set.

Have custom magnets made from your favorite book

Kort shared Louder Than A Bomb last week and I have to include the trailer for those who missed it:

Some older Poetry Friday posts (from before I had this blog):
Be An Army of Builders
Andrei Codrescu: When
Spy Poems

Ben has the Poetry Friday round-up today at The Small Nouns.


  1. Those t-shirts are too cool. Made me smile today :).

    I want to see "Louder Than a Bomb!"

    Thanks for all the great links, too.

  2. i always wondered if there was an official poetic license out there somewhere!

    one of my favorite poem t-shirts

    poetry & t-shirts. they're like chocolate and, uh, whatever you like to go with chocolate.

    also, must say, i'm always happy to see sneak appearances by vonnegut.


  3. I'd like a half dozen of the "Unwise" in light blue, please....this could be my best and most lasting fashion find!

  4. I'm sorry it took me so long to stumble upon this! Thanks so much, Tabatha, for including my little "Poetic License" broadside in this post! We are honored :)
