Thursday, February 24, 2011

Violins, Lutes, Guitars, and a Composer

"Ah, music. A magic beyond all we do here!"
~J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Be Bop Jazzy Hand-Painted Violin
by Julie Borden

Blind Fiddler's Eye
by Harry Yeatts, Jr.

Bernardo Strozzi, 1635

Yolanta Ostaszewska
by J. Simon

The Lute
by Thomas Wilmer Dewing

Artist Painting a Portrait of a Musician
by Marguerite Gerard

Musical Group on a Balcony
by Gerritt van Honthorst, 1622

Clara Schumann
by Franz von Lenbach, 1878

* Women of Note (information about composers)
* Midi music of early women masters

P.S. Do you know which Harry Potter character said the quote at the top?


  1. Was it Dumbledore who was quoted at the top? It's been a while--I think I need to go back and read through the canon before the last movie comes out. : )

    Your post was very timely for me--my eldest and I are headed into the MFA today a) to hear a friend perform in the new auditorium, b) to do a bit of a whirlwind tour to see what we might want to come back and visit when it's NOT school vacation week, and c) to hunt down any of Van Gogh's paintings that might be there (DS's favorite artist).

    Thanks very much for sharing these. I especially love the Dewing and Gerard, and of course Borden's fiddle there at the top!

  2. Sounds like a fun excursion, Christina! Great for a vacation week.

    You're right about it being a quote from Dumbledore!

  3. Loved your "Strings Section" this week.

    And was very surprised to see one particular piece.

  4. Those are wonderful painted violins. Art creating art. :)
