Friday, September 10, 2010

The Word On The Street

How Pedestrian asks people on the street to read a poem for the camera. Here are some examples:

This fella does a nice job with Aigin Larki's "quiet clean."

I liked hearing Dante's Abandon All Hope in Italian.

These Japanese unicyclists are so brave and fun.

Achilles (for David Beckham) by Carol Ann Duffy

Side-note: As long as we're talking about football/soccer, did you know that a betting service in England had a poet-in-residence for the last World Cup? Gary Boswell wrote a poem for nearly every day of the competition.

Today's Poetry Friday round-up is at Picture Book of the Day.


  1. Great project. Love the Japanese woman's expression going back and forth from concern to big grin, over and over. I sure couldn't read a poem in Japanese, so kudos to them!

    Love the poet-in-residence at the World Cup, too.

    A few years ago, here in Minneapolis, the paper did a feature of our baseball players (the Twins) reading haiku. It was great!

  2. What a cool project. Now I want to visit Italy and Japan again. :)

  3. What a terrific idea to have people on the street reading poems. I hope it got more people excited about poetry.

  4. My state is doing a poetry project. They had readings here last month at the library. I missed as I was away ... pitching.

    Love seeing these projects elsewhere.

  5. I'm hoping to film my students reading poetry when I get Poetry Friday up and running...
