Friday, September 17, 2010

Autumn Giveaway

Time for a GIVEAWAY!

I will be awarding a $50 Barnes and Noble gift card to one lucky winner, chosen at random on October 10, 2010 (10-10-10!). You can enter your name one of three ways:

1) Comment on any post. One entry per post. I would ask that your comment relate to the post that you are commenting on :-)

2) If you write a haiku comment for any post, you automatically get THREE entries.

3) If you name three countries (other than the U.S.) whose art or poetry I have posted, you get THREE entries.

Since people don't have to leave their email addresses on their comments, you can either a) check back here on October 10th to see if you won or b) send me your email address privately after you post your comments so I can contact you if you win. If you'd like to do option b, you can email me at tabatha(at)

I will count all comments that I receive between now and midnight on October 9th.

Good luck!

Edited to add: You can enter with a comment to any post, not just ones that are posted between now and the end of the giveaway. So all (non-spammy) comments from now until the 9th -- including ones on entries from other years -- will count!


Since it is Poetry Friday today, here are two haiku-related stories and a haiku by Frank Kuenstler:

~ John Morse's haiku signs in Atlanta
~ Pieku (haiku + pie) here, here, and here.

A haiku by Frank Kuenstler (1928-1996)

Fish swim. They die. They rise to the
It is their way of falling.

Today's PF round-up is being hosted by Elaine at the Wild Rose Reader.


  1. if John's haiku are
    litter on a stick
    pollute my neighborhood please


    I like pie as much
    as the next person but I'm
    going to try haicake


    Leaves green. They die. They drift to the
    It is their way of flying.

    Thanks, Tabatha, for a fine way to spend the 20 minutes I found myself with for Poetry Friday today! (Damned Eastern carpool!)

  2. I LOVE your Haiku/Pie-ku/Haicake, Heidi!

  3. can't master pie crust
    so i just make the filling
    and eat it as is

    a boston cream pie
    is not a pie but a cake
    with aspirations

    in los angeles
    growing up without seasons
    pumpkin pie meant fall

  4. Tabatha, all the pieku made my day. Thanks so much :)!

  5. Litter on a stick decays
    Litter on the ground decays
    it is the cycle of recycle

    Love reading your blog, Tabatha.

  6. I agree with Heidi--bring on the litter!

    apples tucked into a pie
    peels to compost

    These were represented in your P.F. postings:

    Rumi from Persia. He spent a good part of his life in what is now Turkey (1).

    Nova Scotia, Canada (2).

    Basho from Japan (3).

    Have a great weekend.

  7. What a beautiful haiku, Tabatha. It would make an interesting companion to Sylvia Plath's "Mirror."

  8. Diane, you really covered the bases! Nice work :-)

    Thanks to everyone for the great comments!

  9. You've cooked up a fun challenge/contest! I declare Diane an early winner, but Heidi set the bar pretty "hai" with her "Hei"-kus!

  10. What fun! David, I love that L.A. poem - I grew up in the Bay Area and waited a long time to understand what autumn was. And Heidi, "haicake" is just plain brilliant.

    Here's a haiku from me - kind of a sigh-ku, I guess:

    One last chickadee
    chirps good-BYE, good-BYE, good-BYE
    from the apple tree.

    And Tabatha, I've enjoy your web site and blog because of their broad look at art around the world - here are three countries I've noticed:

    1. This summer you posted a photo of a remarkable sea urchin sculpture in IRELAND
    2. I saw a wonderful owl on a coin from GREECE
    3. You posted something about the remarkable sculptor Theo Jansen, whom I always ask my writing students to watch on YouTube and on TED TALKS - his "strandbeests" walk the beaches of the NETHERLANDS.

  11. This is wonderful
    bookstores are my second home
    you're so generous!

    A bit corny but hopefully it's the start to some better ones! :)

    theredcloak [at] gmail [dot] com

  12. Those "bandit signs" are the best!

    Perhaps pies are signs
    we should lighten up; how else
    to explain meringue?
