Friday, May 21, 2010

Seen From Just So

These beautiful five-line poems are so evocative. It's easy to imagine pictures and backgrounds that would go well with them. The first ones are by Izumi Shikibu, who was born around the year 974. (The second poem was translated by Jane Hirshfield...I don't know who translated the first one.)

By Izumi Shikibu

I watch over
the spring night­
but no amount of guarding
is enough to make it stay.


Although the wind
blows terribly here,
the moonlight also leaks
between the roof planks
of this ruined house.


Here's a modern five-line poem...

By Harry Yeatts, Jr.

haloed gray-ball moon,
glowing almost-yellow streetlight,
dew-sparkled spider web --
three points in a triangle
seen from just so


The Poetry Friday roundup is being hosted by Laura Purdie Salas this week.


  1. Congrats on the new blog, my friend! I love the imagery of the second poem -- such a sense of longing in those five lines!

  2. Thanks, Laura! Glad you could be one of my "inaugural visitors"!

  3. Congratulations on your new blog, Tabatha! I love all these night-related 5-liners. I especially love the moon-leaking roof. So much more romantic than a roof leaking rain!

    I also really love the idea of guarding a beautiful night to try to make it stay. Fruitlessly guarding, of course...

  4. Love the new blog, Tabatha -- and these poems are just lovely. Moonlight leaking, and guarding a spring night -- wonderful.

  5. The modern poem sounds kind of zen, and I picture it being from an animal's point-of-view. I like it.


  6. Welcome to the Kidlitosphere! What lovely poems!

    Laura Evans

  7. Thanks, all!

    Wow, three comments from Lauras! There must be something poetic about "Laura."

  8. Hooray! You made the leap! Congratulations!! So glad to be commenting with ease!!

    Love the look of your blog, and your blog name. Perfect for you. Can't wait to explore more of you Art Thursdays!
