Thursday, December 10, 2009

Containing Multitudes

We have a melange of art for you this week -- quilts, enamel, paintings. Walt Whitman could have been speaking of art when he wrote in Song of Myself, "I am large. I contain multitudes."

Up first, quilts...

Capturing the Eye
By Inge Mardal and Steen Hougs

Love and Was Loved
By Inge Mardal and Steen Hougs

Relative Distance
By Inge Mardal and Steen Hougs

Now, enamel art...

Singer of Africa
By Marianne Hunter

Kabuki Kachina gentles the world
By Marianne Hunter

~ Interested in enamel art? The Art of Fine Enameling talks about these different kinds of projects.
~ An enamel sculpture from The Deceiver and the Deceived series.
~ Fred Ball Enamels
~ William Harper's jewelry
~ An explanation of cloisonne
~ If you want to learn more, check out the Enamelist Society education resources.

And last, but not least, the paintings...

Vieled by War
By Mona El-Bayoumi

Clearing the View for Utopia
By Mona El-Bayoumi

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