Thursday, November 19, 2009

Take A Second Look

Fabulous book-inspired art from Quint Buchholz, based in Munich, Germany:

Eines Morgens im November
by Quint Buchholz

by Quint Buchholz

Mann auf einer Leiter
by Quint Buchholz

I have to revisit Gustave Dore every once in a while. I would like to see this life-sized:
Don Quixote Relives His Past Glories
by Gustave Dore

David Nittmann practices the fine art of "woodturning." Yes, these are made of wood!

The Mer-Ka-Ba Bifurcation
by David Nittmann

A Single Twist of Fate
by by David Nittmann

Random links:
~ Go on a tour of beautiful libraries with Curious Expeditions.
~ Paper engineer Marshall Alexander offers free paper toy printables.
~ I love Joseph Holston's colors.
~ Washington D.C. had a "Mural Jam" last summer. The result is Wow!

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